Page 30 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 30


                We are seeing a
                strong trend towards
                e-commerce entering
                the African market.
                A larger than ever
                proportion of the
                cargo we handle
                is e-commerce,
                meaning that we
                have had a laser-like
                focus on ensuring
                that goods can
                move from aircraft           Menzies Aviation facility at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport
                to warehouse to              dnata, an air and travel services provider,   lower costs, and a reduced environmental
                forwarder as quickly       launched operations at Zanzibar's new   footprint for airlines. For Menzies, the
                and efficiently as         international terminal (T3) in partnership   second quarter of 2024 will mark the roll-
                possible.                  with Emirates Leisure Retail and Segap   out of its end-to-end cargo management
                                           last year. This partnership represents a   system, Menzies Aviation Cargo
                         CHARLES WYLEY     $10 million investment. In South Africa,   Handling (MACH), to its South African
                           MENZIES AVIATION
                                           Menzies Aviation has upgraded its   warehouses. This transition represents a
                                           warehouse capacity by acquiring the South   leap towards innovation for the Menzies
         O.R. Tambo International Airport has   African Airways Cargo (SAA Cargo)   Cargo Network. “Plans are underway
         undertaken a $170 million cargo terminal   warehouses in both Cape Town and   to extend MACH to the entirety of
         expansion, scheduled for completion   Johannesburg. This expansion has provided   Menzies' global network by the end of the
         in 2024. Nairobi's Jomo Kenyatta   Menzies with over 30,000 sqm of additional   year, promising streamlined operations
         International Airport (JKIA) invested   warehouse space, complete with direct   worldwide,” mentioned Wyley.
         $120 million in a new cargo facility, which   freighter apron access.   Capitalising on the e-commerce boom
         became operational in early 2023. Addis   Automation and digitalisation efforts   Beyond the terminal expansion in
         Ababa's Bole International Airport's   are gaining momentum simultaneously.   Africa, the continent’s e-commerce
         cargo terminal expansion, costing around   Cargo ground handlers like Swissport,   sector is taking off.  Africa is forecast
         $550 million, was completed last year.   Worldwide Flight Services (WFS) and   to surpass half a billion e-commerce
         AGL Rwanda is building a new Bugesera   Menzies Aviation have implemented   users by 2025, showing a steady 17%
         International Airport 40km from Kigali.   automated material handling systems   compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
         The project, valued at $2 billion, will   and digital platforms at airports in South   of online consumers for the market.
         be co-owned by Rwanda (40%) and   Africa, Kenya, Nigeria, Morocco and   The rapid growth of e-commerce in
         Qatar Airways (60%). The new airport,   other parts of the continent. In 2024,   Africa, projected to reach $51.2 billion
         expected to be completed by 2026, will   WFS announced that it will be boosting   by 2025 according to a report by the
         have a dedicated cargo terminal capable   cargo efficiency across its EMEAA   International Trade Administration,
         of accommodating 150,000 tonnes of   (Europe, Middle East, Africa, Asia)   has significantly impacted cargo ground
         cargo per year. This trend aligns with   network with Cind's ContourSpect. The   handling operations. Ground handlers
         the positive outlook from IATA, which   3D modelling software will optimise   have established dedicated e-commerce
         forecasts a 5.2% annual growth rate for   space within cargo containers and build   facilities to handle the influx of small
         African air cargo traffic over the next five   unit load devices (ULDs) efficiently,   parcels and packages efficiently. In March
         years (2024-2029).                leading to faster handling, potentially   2024, Ethiopian Airlines, Africa's biggest

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