Page 33 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 33

DTPC launches Dube                                       WHO delivers 50T

         TradeZone 2, attracts                                     medical supplies to Sudan’s

         heavy early investments                                   Blue Nile, Nuba Mountains

                                                                     ue to the limited access and operational capacity
                                                                  Din Sudan, the World Health Organization (WHO)
                                                                   Country Office in Sudan collaborated with WHO South
                                                                   Sudan office to facilitate the delivery of 50 tonnes of
                                                                   medical supplies and humanitarian commodities from
                                                                   South Sudan and provide the necessary support.
                                                                     The ongoing crisis in Sudan has significantly
                                                                   impeded the ability of the WHO office in Sudan to
                                                                   access and deliver essential emergency medical supplies
                                                                   to the regions of the Blue Nile and Nuba Mountains.
                                                                   In response to these critical needs, the World Health
                                                                   Organization offices in South Sudan and Sudan
                                                                   collaborated to provide emergency medical supplies to
                                                                   those affected.
                                                                     By leveraging the WHO South Sudan office's logistical
                                                                   prowess, expertise, and available resources, WHO South
                                                                   Sudan prepositioned the requisite quantities of emergency
                                                                   health kits from existing stockpiles in areas adjacent to the
            ube TradePort Corporation   the next five years, as stated in an   Sudan-South Sudan border, ensuring timely and effective
         D(DTPC) has launched the    official release. Dube TradeZone   assistance to those in dire need.
         second phase of its industrial   2 is spread across 45 hectares of
         precinct and special economic   industrial land for development
         zone (SEZ) adjacent to South   and comprises 23 fully serviced
         Africa's King Shaka International   sites ranging in size from 3,000m²
         Airport. The ceremony marked the   to 57,000m². The precinct will
         inauguration of Dube TradeZone   have three Dube TradePort-owned
         2, showcasing two factories that are   warehouses, including one that
         currently under construction and   can accommodate medium-sized
         worth over R180 million.    businesses, thus facilitating the
           Dube TradeZone 2 is expected   expansion of small businesses
         to create around 600 jobs within   located in the mini-factories.

            UN team visits Jomo Kenyatta Airport for humanitarian aid hub

                                                            team from the United Nations   three are in Dubai, Copenhagen
                                                         A  made a site visit to the Jomo   and Brindisi, Italy. Locating the
                                                         Kenyatta International Airport   hub in Kenya will provide for
                                                         to view the proposed site for the   speedy delivery of life saving
                                                         creation of a UN humanitarian   aid to conflict regions and areas
                                                         logistics hub with the support of   of humanitarian crises on the
                                                         Kenya Airports Authority (KAA).   continent and other regions in
                                                           The discussions were chaired   the global south." The vision is
                                                         by Caleb Kositany, chairman,   a humanitarian logistics hub
                                                         KAA and focused on enhancing   and corridor spanning from
                                                         humanitarian operations in the   Mombasa to Naivasha through
                                                         region, says a LinkedIn post   Nairobi, and the main objective
                                                         from KAA.                  will be to support regional
                                                           "The hub will be the first on   humanitarian activities, the
                                                         the African continent. The other   update added.

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