Page 31 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 31

International Airlines Group (IAG), opened
                                                                             its Constant Climate station in Cape Town
                                                                             in 2023 for temperature-sensitive healthcare
                                                                             products. Swissport, which handled roughly
                                                                             4.7 million tonnes of air freight globally in
                                                                             2023, has expanded its existing facility at
                                                                             Nairobi's JKIA by adding a new 750 sqm
                                                                             temperature-controlled storage unit. The
                                                                             new room can hold a massive amount of
                                                                             cargo equivalent to 3 Boeing 747 freighter
                                                                             planes and offers different temperature
                                                                             zones for various needs.
                                                                                Further highlighting Menzies
                                                                             Aviation’s expansion in Nairobi, Wyley
                                                                             mentioned, "We have upgraded our
                                                                             warehouse facility, with the capacity
                                                                             of cold room space increasing from 80
                                                                             pallet positions to 250. The warehouse
                                                                             has also been given IATA CEIV Pharma
                                                                             Certification in 2023, which is awarded
                                                                             to companies in the air cargo supply
                                                                             chain that demonstrate compliance
                                                                             with the IATA Center of Excellence for
                                                                             Independent Validators in Pharmaceutical
                                                                             Logistics (CEIV Pharma) standards."
                Kenya Airfreight Handling facility in Nairobi
                                                                                Despite limitations in infrastructure,
                                                                             high costs, and a lack of connectivity,
         airline, inaugurated an e-commerce                                  the African aviation industry has a clear
         logistics facility at Bole International                            path forward with IATA’s Focus Africa, a
         Airport with an investment of $55                                   collaborative initiative designed to propel
         million, dedicated solely to e-commerce                             the industry towards a safe, secure, and
         goods, mail, and courier logistics services.                        sustainable future. By pooling resources
           Underscoring the shift, Wyley noted,                              from across the aviation value chain,
         "We are seeing a strong trend towards                               Focus Africa tackles critical challenges
         e-commerce entering the African market.                             through six key areas: building modern
         A larger than ever proportion of the cargo                          and affordable infrastructure, boosting
         we handle is e-commerce, meaning that    If a certain skill set is   safety through data-driven collaboration,
         we have had a laser-like focus on ensuring   not available already,   connecting Africa via the Single African Air
         that goods can move from aircraft to                                Transport Market, modernising financial
         warehouse to forwarder as quickly and    the companies are          services, achieving "Net Zero by 2050"
         efficiently as possible."                forced to hire new         emissions goals, and investing in a diverse
                                                  staff at an additional     and talented workforce. This comprehensive
         ENHANCING COLD CHAIN                                                approach aims to unlock African aviation's
         INFRASTRUCTURE                           cost, to manage the        potential, ensuring its long-term success.
         Another growing trend that demands equal   systems.                    With the African Continental Free Trade
         attention is the cold chain infrastructure.        PAUL MWAKISHA    Area (AfCFTA) expected to increase intra-
         Africa, a major exporter of flowers and                   TRIPLE FFF  African trade by 60% by 2030 according
         perishables goods, is experiencing a surge in   )KENYA AIRFREIGHT HANDLING(  to the latest projections by the World
         demand for robust cold chain infrastructure                         Bank, the demand for efficient and reliable
         to support this sector. Investments in cold   is the lack of a real cool chain product   cargo ground handling services is set to
         chain infrastructure are crucial to support   across the whole logistics journey – we see   continue growing rapidly. By addressing
         Africa's agricultural exports, valued at   that as an opportunity to be addressed.”  challenges, investing in infrastructure and
         $38.7 billion in 2022 according to the Food   Airports like Nairobi's Jomo   technology, and embracing innovative
         and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Tom   Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA)   solutions, the African air cargo industry
         Alwynn-Jones, Managing Director, dnata   and Johannesburg's O.R. Tambo have   can unlock its full potential, enhance
         Zanzibar underlines the same adding,   established dedicated cold storage facilities   global competitiveness, and contribute
         “Time-limited options in the overall supply   and temperature-controlled handling   significantly to the continent's economic
         chain hinder growth. The biggest challenge   areas. IAG Cargo, the cargo division of   development.

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