Page 29 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 29

as flowers, meat, vegetables and herbs.”   The lack of a skilled workforce is   forced to hire new staff at an additional
         Specifying the high cost of electricity as   another pressing issue. The African   cost, to manage the systems."
         another challenge, he stated, “it is equally   air cargo industry faces a shortage   Regulatory barriers pose another
         a huge challenge to ground handling   of trained ground handlers, logistics   significant challenge for cargo ground
         agencies given the high consumption   professionals, and cargo specialists.   handlers. The African Airlines Association
         required to run the cooling systems.”  Mwakisha emphasised the challenge of   (AFRAA) reports that as of 2023, cargo
                                           acquiring skilled personnel to effectively   operators face an average of 19 different
                                             utilise new technologies, stating, "If   regulations across the continent, leading to
                                                a certain skill set is not available   delays and increased operational costs.
                                                   already, the companies are   Limited technology adoption is
                                                                             hindering efficiency and real-time
                                                                             tracking capabilities. A recent study
                                                                             by Frost & Sullivan in 2023 revealed
                                                                             that only 35% of African airports have
                                                                             implemented advanced cargo handling
                                                                             systems. Mwakisha highlighted the need
                                                                             for automation saying, "Automation of
                                                                             the entire operational processes is a key
                                                                             strategic deliverable for ground handlers.
                                                                             There is a need to reduce manual processes
                                                                             to help improve data quality."
                                                                             TERMINAL EXPANSIONS &
                                                                             To overcome these challenges and
                                                                             meet the growing demand, African
                                                                             nations and airport authorities are
                                                                             investing in modernising cargo handling
                                                                             infrastructure. Terminal expansions and
                                                                             upgrades are underway at several major
                                                                             airports. For example, Johannesburg's

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