Page 28 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 28


         Challenges & Growth in


         Africa's air cargo ground handling industry is poised for a takeoff. By
         confronting its challenges, investing in modern infrastructure, and
         embracing innovative solutions, it can become the engine that propels
         Africa's air cargo sector to new heights, reports Nehal Gautam.

              he air cargo industry in Africa   airports. Charles Wyley, Executive Vice
              has experienced remarkable   President – Middle East, Africa and Asia at
              growth, fueled by increasing trade,   Menzies Aviation, highlighted, "Challenges
         Teconomic development, and the    range from insufficient cool chain capacity
         rise of e-commerce. However, cargo   to outdated warehouse management
         ground handling operations across the   software (WMS) systems.” Highlighting
         continent face significant hurdles that must   warehouse capacity as one of the key
         be addressed to unlock their full potential.   challenges, Paul Mwakisha, General
         Despite these obstacles, African nations   Manager, Triple FFF, Kenya (Kenya
         are making concerted efforts to invest in   Airfreight Handling) stated, “During peak
         infrastructure, technology, and specialised   seasons such as Valentine’s, Mother’s Day
         facilities to enhance efficiency and meet   and Women’s Day seasons, cold-room
         the growing demand.               space becomes a challenge occasioned
                                           by high production of fresh cargo such
         One of the major challenges is the
         inadequate infrastructure at many African

           dnata ground handling at Zanzibar

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