Page 34 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 34


            Feasibility study starts for
                                                                        AGL Rwanda extends
         Kisumu, Kenya - Kakira,                                     logistics warehouse in Kigali

         Uganda expressway                                              GL Rwanda launched the extension of its state-

                                                                     Aof-the-art logistics warehouse located within
                                                                     the Kigali Special Economic Zone (KSEZ). AGL
                                                                     Rwanda began the extension phase of the 5,000 sq.
                                                                     m. warehouse in March 2024 to meet the growing
                                                                     demand for logistics in the region.
                                                                        Equipped with cold chain facilities, it will
                                                                     enable optimal management of temperature-
                                                                     controlled goods, especially to address public
                                                                     health challenges by enabling the efficient
                                                                     management of essential products such as
                                                                     medicines and perishable goods, according to the
                                                                     official release. The project is valued at $10 million,
                                                                     and its 21,000 sq.m. of bonded and duty-free
                                                                     warehouses are spread over six sites in the Prime
           he feasibility studies for the   the same into a two-lane dual   Economic Zone (PEZ). The extension will create
         T256km multinational Kisumu-  carriageway over a 104km stretch.   employment opportunities for Rwandans willing
         Kisian-Busia/Kakira-Malaba-   The $1.4 million feasibility study   to invest in logistics-related trades and strengthen
         Busitema-Busia expressway are set   project funded by the African   Rwanda’s position as a logistics hub in the region.
         to start soon after the East African   Development Bank (AfDB) will
         Community (EAC) officially handed   determine the economic viability of
         over the site to the consultancy firm   upgrading the existing multinational
         named GOPA Infra of Germany   road sections from single carriageway
         together with ITEC of Kenya.   to expressway standards. The
           The expressway that will run   studies will be carried out as one
         from Kisumu in Kenya to Kakira,   integrated project but in two
         a town in Jinja district, will involve   distinct packages to determine the
         rehabilitation of the existing two-  economic feasibility of developing
         lane single-carriageway to bitumen   the corridors that connect the two
         standards and the upgrading of   countries to the port of Mombasa.

            AfDB prioritises infra, agri supply chain for Zambia

           he board of directors of the African Development
         TBank Group has approved the Country Strategy
         Paper (CSP) for Zambia for 2024-2029, which sets
         out two priority intervention areas: Boosting the
         development of the private sector through investments
         in infrastructure and developing the country’s
         agricultural value chain.
           “The aim of this new CSP is to support Zambia’s
         vision of speeding up its socioeconomic transformation
         to improve livelihoods,” comments Raubil Durowoju,
         head of the Bank Group’s country office in Zambia.
         “The first area emphasises infrastructure development
         with the aim of increasing productivity, strengthening
         commercial competitiveness, diversifying the economy,
         and improving people’s lives. The second supports value
         addition and job creation and is targeted at women and
         young people,” he adds.

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