Page 32 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 32


            AD Ports secures 20-year deal to operate port terminal in Angola

                                                                      D Ports Group has signed several agreements with
                                                                   AUnicargas and Multiparques leading to securing
                                                                   a 20-year concession agreement (extendable for
                                                                   another 10 years) with the Luanda Port Authority
                                                                   for the operation and upgrade of the existing Luanda
                                                                   multipurpose port terminal in Angola.
                                                                     The agreements with Angolan logistics companies
                                                                   Unicargas and Multiparques saw the Group acquire an
                                                                   81 percent stake in a joint venture that will operate the
                                                                   terminal, and a 90 percent stake in another joint venture
                                                                   that will serve the facility and the broader Angolan
                                                                   logistics market.
                                                                     AD Ports Group has committed $251 million
                                                                   towards the modernisation of the terminal and
                                                                   development of the logistics business over the
                                                                   next three years (2024-2026), with this investment
                                                                   potentially increasing to $379 million over the
                                                                   concession term and in line with market demand.

            Nigerian Ports Authority                                Egypt to expedite

         to get $700m loan for                                   maritime, land, dry ports,
                                                                 logistic zones development
         Apapa & TinCan ports                                      gypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met ministers to

                                                                 Ereview the implementation status of the investment
                                                                 plan for the transportation sector projects.
                                                                   The President was briefed on efforts to develop
                                                                 the railway system, and rehabilitate and develop the
                                                                 Greater Cairo metro lines, in addition to projects for the
                                                                 construction, modernisation, and operation of ports in
                                                                 partnership with global companies. The meeting also
                                                                 followed up on the latest with regard to the government's
                                                                 efforts to localise industries related to the transport sector
                                                                 in Egypt by establishing partnerships with the private
                                                                 sector and attracting foreign investment in this field.
                                                                   In this context, the President gave directives to
                                                                 expedite the completion of the construction and
                                                                 development of maritime, land, and dry ports, as well
                                                                 as logistic zones, to encourage transit trade and develop
                                                                 Egyptian exports, ultimately transforming Egypt into a
            igerian Ports Authority   for landside operations and   regional hub for transportation and transit trade.
         N(NPA) has secured a Citibank   other physical infrastructure to
         $700m loan funded by the UK   deepen the drought to 16.5m
         Export Finance (UKEF) to   to accommodate larger vessels,”
         revamp the Apapa & TinCan   he said.
         Island Ports.                 TinCan Island Port is
           “I had the pleasure of signing   located northwest of Lagos
         the mandate letter and term   Port Complex and came into
         sheet for a Citibank $700m loan,”   being in 1975 when the country
         wrote NPA managing director   experienced an increase in
         Mohammed Bello-Koko.       economic activities during the
           “Our target is to rehabilitate   oil boom coupled with the post-
         the deteriorating quay wall   civil war reconstruction.

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