Page 26 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 26


           "A deep agreement with binding and
         enforceable provisions could provide a
         significant boost to continental integration
         in general, and the digital economy in
         particular. There are, of course, significant
         challenges based on the different levels of
         readiness to commit and implement the
         provisions of the protocol. At the same
         time, the AfCFTA digital trade protocol   Our research at
         could provide a guide as countries design   GSMA shows that 60
         their policies and institutions in line with
         continent-wide efforts."                 percent of micro, 49
                                                  percent of small and
         PAYMENT OPTIONS AND                      33 percent of medium
         Despite the promising growth of          enterprises use
         e-commerce in Africa, payments remain    social media services
         a significant hurdle and cash transactions   exclusively to sell
         are prevalent, says Angela Wamola, Head
         of Sub-Saharan Africa, GSMA, the mobile   online versus online
         industry association. "For our 2023 report   marketplaces and
         on e-commerce in Africa, GSMA Mobile     their own websites.
         for Development surveyed 1,500 micro,
         small and medium enterprises (MSMEs)               ANGELA WAMOLA
         using e-commerce in six African markets:                      GSMA
         Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria
         and South Africa. As many as 43 percent of                          (What3Words) have rolled out national
         MSMEs said consumers prefer to purchase   says Dufay. "Ongoing efforts to streamline   VPAS and start-ups are operating VPAS
         in-person and the same percentage said   the user experience and the continued   services in many African countries. At
         that they prefer cash.            rollout of JumiaPay on delivery to increase   the same time, to address the logistics
           "MSMEs need to shift from cash   cashless orders, positions JumiaPay as   challenge, there are examples of digital
         as a prominent payment method to   a stronger enabler of the company’s   innovations such as two-wheels ride
         digital payments to improve cash flow,   e-commerce platform.       hailing apps, which use underutilised
         reduce revenue losses and ease financial   "We are focused on making JumiaPay   assets such as motorbikes and bikes
         management as well as enable data-  a stronger enabler of our e-commerce   and leverage partnerships with mobile
         driven business planning. However, high   platform. We are streamlining the user   operators such as MTN for payments.
         transaction costs, particularly for small   experience to reduce processing times   "However, infrastructure, addressing and
         purchases, and Know Your Customer   and the number of steps needed to   logistics challenges still hinder the efficient
         (KYC) processes for payments processing   validate payment, and are in the process of   movement of goods, particularly in rural
         deter consumers with limited purchasing   implementing this in Nigeria. We believe   areas. Logistics networks also struggle
         power from opting for digital payments.   that over half of the transactions could be   to meet the demands of e-commerce,
         Trust is another huge issue for both   cashless by the end of 2024."  impacting timely deliveries. Overcoming
         consumers and merchants.                                            these supply chain hurdles requires
           "Continuing to address these    SUPPLY CHAIN CHALLENGES           investment in infrastructure, improved
         payment barriers is crucial to unlocking   FOR E-COMMERCE IN        logistics, and innovative solutions to
         the full potential of e-commerce in   AFRICA                        enhance efficiency and reliability."
         Africa. Greater availability of mobile   E-commerce in Africa faces various   Jumia Logistics is serving as a
         money, greater interoperability of   supply chain challenges including   powerful enabler of the e-commerce
         payment systems, and offering recourse   infrastructural limitations such as   platform. "Our localised, integrated
         mechanisms for fraudulent transactions   unreliable road networks and inadequate   logistics network is effective in harnessing
         are key areas to prioritise to boost the   addressing systems, says Wamola of   the power of local partners to expand our
         adoption of digital payments and enable   GSMA. "We are seeing several digital   footprint and drive commerce beyond
         greater financial inclusion."     innovations in addressing and logistics.   major urban markets," says Dufay. "To
           JumiaPay transactions in Q12024   For example, Virtual Postal Address   improve network optimisation and reach
         reached two million, an increase of 52   Systems (VPAS) exist and have been   more underserved communities, we have
         percent year-over-year driven by the   implemented both in the private   increased the number of pick-up station
         successful rollout of JumiaPay on delivery   sector and at the national regulatory   deliveries. We are also improving our
         in one of Jumia’s largest markets (Kenya),   level. Ghana (AsaaseGPS) and Nigeria   proprietary systems to drive scalability,

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