Page 27 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 27

different market segments and fostering
                                                                             economic development."

                                                                             E-COMMERCE CHALLENGES
                                                                             FOR AFRICA
                                                                             Africa's e-commerce landscape is
                                                                             brimming with potential but there are
                                                                             challenges that we still to overcome,
                                                                             according to Dufay of Jumia.
                                                                             • Infrastructure development: Reliable
                                                                             internet access and efficient physical
                                                                             road networks are crucial. While Africa
                                                                             is making strides in this area, there's still
                                                                             room for improvement, especially in rural
                                                                             areas which generally have poor road
                                                                             infrastructure and inefficient addressing
                                                                             • Digital literacy: Equipping consumers
                                                                             with the knowledge and confidence to
                                                                             shop online is essential. Jumia utilises
                                                                             innovative solutions like J-Force
                                                                             (independent sales consultants) to bridge
                                                                             the digital divide.
                                                                             • Payment methods: Cash on delivery
                                                                             remains dominant but trust in digital
                                                                             payments is growing. Jumia offers
         enhance warehouse staff efficiency and                              innovative and secure payment options
         reduce packaging costs."                                            to create a seamless experience for
         SOCIAL COMMERCE AND                                                    Dufay says: "Jumia, as a pioneer in
         AFRICA                                                              the African e-commerce space, is well-
         Social commerce is predominant in                                   positioned to play a leading role. We're
         Africa's e-commerce landscape with                                  constantly innovating and expanding our
         micro-businesses leveraging platforms                               offerings, with a focus on:
         like Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram                               • Reaching underserved communities:
         to sell products online, adds Wamola of   We provide                Jumia initiatives like J-Force are ensuring
         GSMA. "Our research at GSMA shows that   customers with             everyone has access to the benefits of
         60 percent of micro, 49 percent of small   great value, broad       e-commerce, regardless of their location.
         and 33 percent of medium enterprises use                            More than 50 percent of the population in
         social media services exclusively to sell   selection including     sub-Saharan countries lives in rural areas.
         online versus online marketplaces and    international and          • Empowering African businesses:
         their own websites.                      local products and a       E-commerce and marketplace like
           "Alongside social commerce, other                                 Jumia provide a platform for African
         models such as marketplaces catering to both   convenient delivery   entrepreneurs to reach millions of
         B2B and B2C and direct sales on company   experience.               potential customers and grow their
         website markets are gaining traction.                               business, create jobs.
         These diverse models cater to the varied              ROBERT KOEN   • Driving financial inclusion: Through
         preferences and needs of African consumers,                 AMAZON  JumiaPay, which is a strong enabler of our
         highlighting the dynamic nature of the                              e-commerce business and collaboration
         e-commerce ecosystem in Africa."  sector, target small retailers and street   with financial institutions, we will continue
                                           vendors, addressing their specific needs   to offer inclusive payment solutions.
         B2B OR B2C - WHAT WORKS           for efficient procurement and sales (e.g.   "The population of Africa is expected
         IN AFRICA                         Wasoko). On the other hand, direct-to-  to reach 2.5 billion in 2050 with huge
         Both B2B and B2C segments draw attention   consumer B2C platforms tend to serve   needs for their everyday shopping, and
         in Africa for distinct reasons, says Wamola   urban and affluent consumers, offering a   e-commerce can be an enabler and a
         of GSMA. "B2B e-commerce platforms,   wide range of products and convenience.   solution for the consumers. We are still
         particularly those digitising the distribution   Both segments play integral roles in driving   just at the beginning of the story of
         layer of the fast moving consumer goods   e-commerce growth in Africa, catering to   e-commerce in Africa."

          MAY - JUNE 2024                                                                                  LUA 25
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