Page 25 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 25

to $49 million and gross merchandise value
                                                                             increased five percent to $181 million.
                                                                                “Jumia is off to a strong start to
                                                                             the year," says Dufay. "Following a
                                                                             transformational 2023, we continued to
                                                                             execute against our strategic priorities
                                                                             focused on strengthening our core
                                                  Reliable internet          business and improving cash efficiency
                                                                             while establishing a leaner organisation
                                                  access and efficient       primed for growth. Our efforts drove a
                                                  physical road              five percent year-over-year and 39 percent
                                                                             constant currency improvement in GMV
                                                  networks are crucial.      in the quarter while order growth and
                                                  While Africa is making     average order value (AOV) also expanded,
                                                  strides in this area,      a clear sign that our strategy is working.
                                                                                "We have proven that with the right
                                                  there's still room         team and the right strategy, growth does
                                                  for improvement,           not require heavy spending. Rather, a deep
                                                  especially in rural        understanding and appreciation of the
                                                                             African e-commerce market, along with
                                                  areas which generally      a targeted growth strategy leaves us well
                                                  have poor road             positioned to drive continued growth in
                                                  infrastructure and         2024 and beyond.”
                                                  inefficient addressing     BOOMING MARKETS AHEAD
                                                  systems.                   Africa's young population, with a
                                                                             median age of 18 years, is pushing digital
                                                              FRANCIS DUFAY
                                                                       JUMIA  commerce adoption in a mobile-first
                                                                             environment, according to an analysis by
                                                                             EBANX, a payment technology company.
                                             South Africa is the e-commerce giant's   "Although payments are rather
                                           first marketplace in the sub-Saharan   digitised, consumption isn't: only 11
                                           region, and it will be going head-to-  percent of Africans are digital commerce
                                           head in the country with local players   users, per the World Bank. With mobile
                                           like Takealot (majority-owned by media   money and mobile internet more
                                           giant Naspers), Makro and Bob Group's   ubiquitous in the continent, it is not a
                                           bidorbuy to tap what is estimated to be   lack of connectivity that explains why
                                           e-commerce revenue worth $3 billion   digital commerce in Africa has yet to
                                           annually, TechCrunch reported.    ramp up. The issue consumers face is a
                   ith the launch of operations   "Amazon is already present in Egypt   lack of offerings — and, more so, a lack of
                   in South Africa by Amazon,   in a market where Jumia has a strong   payment connection."
                   e-commerce in the African   presence," says Francis Dufay, CEO, Jumia,   The continent has some of the fastest-
         W continent is all set to hit the   a leading e-commerce marketplace in   growing rates worldwide, and by 2030, Africa
         big league.                       Africa. "Competition is above all good   will have a potential market of over one
           "We are excited to launch Amazon.  news as it validates the opportunity of   billion adults — surpassing China and India., along with thousands of independent   African e-commerce and helps to grow   The African Continental Free Trade
         sellers in South Africa," says Robert Koen,   the market. South Africa is, however,   Area (AfCFTA) protocol on digital
         Managing Director, Sub-Saharan Africa,   a very specific market, different from   trade can provide a framework for the
         Amazon. "We provide customers with   most African countries with mature   convergence of domestic and regional
         great value, broad selection including   retail networks, stable supply and very   policies, according to a report by the ODI
         international and local products and a   competitive e-commerce space."  Advisory authored by Alberto Lemma,
         convenient delivery experience. From                                Max Mendez-Parra and Laura Naliaka.
         today, customers can count on Amazon.  JUMIA EYES GROWTH,              "There is a large list of issues that will for a stress-free shopping experience,   LESSER LOSSES        need to be addressed but at the same time
         fast and reliable delivery, access to 3,000   NYSE-listed Jumia reported an operating   there are a wide range of best practices in
         pickup points, 24/7 customer support, and   loss of $8 million for the first quarter of 2024,   global bilateral agreements that could be
         easy returns. Customers will also enjoy free   down 71 percent from a loss of $28 million   drawn upon. There is also the question of
         delivery on their first order."   in Q12023. Revenue was up 19 percent YoY   how deep member states want to commit.

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