Page 23 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 23

and unpredictable global logistics   regional needs effectively. Recently, there
                                           landscape. The year 2023 exemplified these   has been a notable surge in demand on
                                           challenges, with robust Q1, downward   routes from the Indian Subcontinent
                                           pressure on yields in Q2 and Q3, and   (ISC) and Southeast Asia, largely due
                                           a strong Q4 finish. These fluctuations   to disruptions in the Red Sea that have
                                           affect both scheduled services and charter   affected traditional maritime transport,"
                                           activities, necessitating a responsive and   added Rodrigues.
                                           adaptable approach and highlighting the
                                           importance of having the right expertise   EVOLUTION IS THE BEST
                                           and knowledge to navigate disruptions   WAY AHEAD
                                           effectively and maintain the integrity of the   Astral Aviation has constantly evolved
                                           supply chain.                     from an African airline to a global airline
                                             "Etihad Cargo addresses these   with online hubs in Dubai and Hong
                                           challenges by prioritising customers and   Kong and offline hubs in Liege. "We are
                                           flexibility, which is critical in charter   investing in a fleet of B767-300Fs and plan
                                           operations," added Rodrigues. The UAE-  to acquire the B777Fs in 2025 in addition
                                           based airline employs various strategies   to the E190Fs. We are expanding our
                                           to safely and efficiently handle perishable   network to include new destinations from
                                           goods during transit, including using   Johannesburg, and our plans for China are
                                           specialised equipment and containers.   at advanced stages of commencement by
                                           Close collaboration with local handlers   the middle of the year," said Gadhia.
                                           and logistics partners who understand the   The African airline invests in
                                           regional infrastructure also helps Etihad   new partnerships, technology, and
                                           ensure smooth transitions from air to   infrastructure to streamline operations
                                           ground transport, enhancing the reliability   and improve customer service. Gadhia
                                           of delivering perishable goods.   mentioned that the airline has a clear
                                                                             long-term sustainability plan, fleet
                                           POPULAR ROUTES FOR AIR            modernisation, operational efficiency,
                                           CARGO CHARTERS                    carbon offsetting, stakeholder engagement,
                                           The aviation industry is experiencing   reporting, and transparency for the way
                While it's unfortunate     high demand for cargo charters across   ahead. Similarly, Rodrigues mentioned
                that our industry          various regions. While Astral Aviation   that Etihad Cargo aims to achieve net zero
                                                                             carbon emissions by 2050 by renewing its
                                           is experiencing high demand for cargo
                thrives during times       charters across Asia-Africa, Asia-Middle   fleet with more fuel-efficient aircraft.
                of crisis, it should       East, and Intra-Africa, Etihad Cargo    With increased infrastructure,
                prioritise serving         operates primarily in Asia-Middle East,   technology, and partnership investments,
                                           Europe, and Africa. "We are experiencing
                                                                             the future of air cargo charters in Africa
                clients and making         high demand mainly from Hong Kong   looks promising. The sector is expected
                a positive impact          and Dubai to Johannesburg in addition to   to be crucial in driving economic growth,
                instead of solely          flights into Tel Aviv," said Gadhia.   fostering trade relations, and enhancing
                                                                             connectivity across Africa. The significant
                                             Additionally, Wyk from Chapman
                focusing on profits.       Freeborn says, "Routes connecting   trends shaping the future of the charter
                                           major economic hubs with remote or   sector include increased digitisation,
                          SANJEEV GADHIA
                             ASTRAL AVIATION  underdeveloped areas are currently   demand for sustainability, and the
                                           experiencing high demand for cargo   emergence of new markets.
                                           charters in Africa." Sari, on the other hand,   To adapt to these evolving demands,
         times of flight-related approvals are   says, "DHL Global Forwarding operates   companies are investing in digital
         slowing down the industry. High handling   a global network of long-term flight   solutions, expanding their presence
         and terminal charges in many countries   operations. These networks include flights   in emerging markets, implementing
         add to the overall product pricing,   from Asia to Europe."         sustainable practices such as fuel-efficient
         affecting the competitiveness of African   "Johannesburg has emerged as a crucial   flight routes and carbon offset programs,
         producers in foreign markets. Similarly,   e-commerce hub for the South African   and transitioning to eco-friendly
         import charges are expensive, and the gap   region, indicating a high demand for   aircraft where possible. Additionally,
         is paid by African nations, which distracts   cargo services there, while Etihad Cargo   the continued growth of e-commerce
         their competitiveness.            predominantly serves east and west from   and traditional niche markets such as
           On the other hand, Rodrigues points   the UAE. These areas reflect the dynamic   automotive, oil and gas, energy, and
         out that delivering charter services is   nature of demand and the strategic   perishables will continue to drive the
         challenging, especially in the dynamic   placement of services to accommodate   growth of air cargo charters.

          MAY - JUNE 2024                                                                                  LUA 21
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