Page 22 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 22


           Airlines believe charter services are   charters in Africa apart from geopolitical
         in high demand due to geopolitical   disruptions, he answered, "The rise of
         disruptions and urgent delivery needs.   online shopping, which accelerated during
         However, Wyk from Chapman Freeborn   the Covid-19 pandemic, has led to a surge
         says there is also a high demand   in demand for consumer goods not just
         for African charter services due to   locally but globally."
         infrastructure limitations, remote location,   Rodrigues also mentioned that
         time sensitivity, and unpredictable road   although e-commerce demand in Africa
         conditions. Industries such as mining, oil   is growing rapidly, it is still challenging
         and gas, humanitarian aid, and agriculture   to contract directly with big players for
         rely heavily on cargo air charters to meet   the last-mile organisation. As a result,
         their specialised needs.          these volumes are usually divided among
           Africa's mining and oil industries   multiple forwarders and intermediate
         require charter cargo flights to ensure the   hubs. Additionally, the rapid growth of this
         arrival of spare parts. Due to the need for   market has led to an increased demand
         more commercial space, life science and   for electronic transportation, which is
         healthcare products also need charter   vulnerable to theft and damage.
         services. DHL's Sari confirms that these
         industries rely heavily on charter services.
           With advancements in technology
         and infrastructure, cargo charters have
         become vital for diverse industries beyond
         traditional sectors like oil and gas," said                         OVERCOMING OBSTACLES
         Jenny van Wyk, Chapman Freeborn                                     AND FLYING TOWARDS
                                                                             THE FUTURE
         E-COMMERCE: DRIVING                                                 Africa's air cargo charter sector faces
         CHARTERS BEYOND OIL AND                  With advancements          challenges due to increased demand,
         GAS SECTORS                                                         the Red Sea Crisis, and high war-risk
         According to Wyk, air cargo charters have   in technology and       premiums. However, industry stakeholders
         become vital for diverse industries beyond   infrastructure, cargo   such as DHL, Etihad Cargo, Astral
         traditional sectors such as oil and gas.   charters have become     Aviation, and Chapman Freeborn harness
         The rise of e-commerce in Africa leads to                           technology's power to develop innovative
         increased demand for air cargo charters.   vital for diverse        solutions.
         This is due to the need for a reliable and   industries beyond         To mitigate the impact of increased
         swift delivery system for time-sensitive and   traditional sectors   demand due to the Red Sea Crisis,
         high-value shipments. Businesses across                             Chapman Freeborn maximises capacity,
         the continent are leveraging air cargo   like oil and gas.          prioritises critical shipments, optimises
         charters to cater to their customers' needs.        JENNY VAN WYK   flight routes, and maintains open
           When Rodrigues was asked what                     CHAPMAN FREEBORN  communication with clients. Meanwhile,
         is driving the demand for air cargo                                 DHL has avoided capacity tightness and
                                                                             cost increases for their customers due to
                                                                             their control over a wide BSA and a high
                                                                             charter capacity. On the other hand, Etihad
                                                                             Cargo provides comprehensive security
                                                                             at all transport stages and is CEIV Li-batt
                                                                             certified for handling dangerous goods
                                                                             such as lithium batteries.
                                                                                "Africa needs an open-sky environment.
                                                                             Limitations on flight permissions and
                                                                             execution times of flight-related approvals
                                                                             are slowing down the sector." - Erdem Sari,
                                                                             DHL Global Forwarding.

                                                                             UNIQUE SOLUTIONS FOR
                                                                             UNIQUE CHALLENGES
                                                                             Sari believes that Africa's aviation sector
                                                                             needs an open sky environment as flight
                                                                             permission limitations and slow execution

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