Page 21 - LUA May June 2024 for Website
P. 21

such as conflict,
         calamity, pandemics,
         and natural disasters, as
         evident in the surge of charters
         during Covid-19 in 2020-2021, the Suez
         Canal crisis in 2021, the Red Sea crisis in
         2023-2024, and conflicts in Ukraine, Sudan,
         and the Middle East."               "It's a sad reality that our industry   Africa needs an open-
           Etihad's Rodrigues added that demand   thrives in times of crisis. However, this
         for cargo air charter services in Africa   should not be seen as an opportunity   sky environment.
         is influenced by geopolitical disruptions   to profit but to serve and leave an   Limitations on flight
         and other factors, such as urgent delivery   impact on the clients dependent on our   permissions and
         needs and transportation of high-value   services," added Gadhia as a message to
         items like electronics.           industry stakeholders.                   execution times
                                                                                    of flight-related
                                                                                    approvals are slowing
                                                                                    down the sector.

                                                                                                   ERDEM SARI
                                                                                            DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING

                                                                                "While it's unfortunate that our
                                                                             industry thrives during times of crisis,
                                                                             it should prioritise serving clients and
                                                                             making a positive impact instead of
                                                                             solely focusing on profits" - Sanjeev
                                                                             Gadhia, Astral Aviation.

          MAY - JUNE 2024                                                                                  LUA 19
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