Page 22 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 22


        Can Nigeria’s new government


         Nigeria has a new government under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, who faces the
         tough task of injecting stability into a society and pulling an economy out of a deep crisis. How will the
         new government redeem the country’s turbulent aviation sector? Roy Ezze looks for answers.

                viation and export cargo experts   agriculture export sector, among others.   Air by the former Minister of Aviation, Hadi
                in Nigeria have expressed dismay   The sustained high cost of operation has   Sirika, without prior issuance of the Air
                over the worsening condition of   weakened Nigerian airlines’ ability to expand   Operator’s Certificate (AOC) by the Nigerian
         ANigeria’s air transport industry   or compete favourably in the regional and   Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA).
         and agricultural export value-chain, which   long-haul markets.
         are still burdened by multiple taxation and   Nigeria is also experiencing intermittent   RESTRICTED AIR CARGO
         harsh operating environment. Nigeria is   protests by five key aviation unions over   Currently, there is no scheduled air cargo
         also yet to release about $812.2 million   allegations of lack of transparency in the   airline serving domestic routes in Nigeria
         airline funds trapped in the country, which   recent concession of Nigeria’s major airports.   despite the urgent need for such services.
         the International Air Transport Association   The unions have also appealed to the new   Nigeria’s agriculture and export sectors
         (IATA) has said is the highest in the   government in Nigeria to rescind the   have faced challenges ranging from lack of
         world. IATA recently said that, globally,   decision to deduct 40% of revenue generated   standardisation and infrastructure, over-
         the blocked funds have increased “by 47%   by aviation agencies, since such deductions   taxation, inadequate regulation and rejection
         to $2.27 billion in April 2023 from $1.55   threaten the safety and improvement of   of various products by foreign markets.
         billion in April 2022.”           aviation in Nigeria.                 Nigeria’s domestic air cargo market has
           Local and international air fares have   Besides, the Airline Operators of Nigeria   failed to grow over the decades, as farmers
         remained high in Nigeria after the Covid-19   (AON) instituted a litigation over allegations   and other exporters suffer the high cost
         pandemic, and aviation stakeholders worry   of lack of transparency in the setting up   of air freight to foreign markets, or within
         over the negative impact of these and other   of Nigeria’s national carrier, Nigeria Air.   Nigeria. Due to high taxes, air freight
         issues on passenger numbers, as well as   Nigeria’s apex legislative bodies have also   services are not sustainable to connect
         investments expected in aviation and related   questioned the hurried launch of Nigeria   perishable agricultural products like fruits

       20 LUA                                                                                  JULY - AUGUST 2023
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