Page 24 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 24


                                WE LOOK FOR


                        OUTSIDE THE BOX

          The Asaba International Airport is a test case of the first airport concessioned by a state government
             in Nigeria and not by the federal government. Can this model be adopted for other airports in
          Nigeria and in Africa where public-private partnership airports have failed largely? Roy Ezze talks to
              Christophe Pinninck, Managing Director, Asaba International Airport, and gets more details.

         ?   The Asaba International Airport is a   in Nigeria a state airport is managed   agencies. We are proud to have achieved
                                           under concession by a private company.
                                                                             all this in less than two years.
             significant example of Public-
         Private Partnership in Airports   We, both the Delta State Government
         development in Africa. What has been   and us, were aware some challenges   ?  Asaba Airport is described as a
         your experience and how has the   were going to arise. We have been able   cargo airport; how would you
         concession progressed so far?     to change many things at the airport,   describe the airport’s air cargo activities
         The experience has been good. We have   including some vital equipment like   and potential?
         a good communication with the state   generators, NAVAIDs, UPS, etc., comfort   We have read a lot about cargo airports
         through a specially created body, the   to the passengers including free Wifi,   in Nigeria. Rare are the airports that can
         Project Delivery Oversight Committee.   larger boarding area, fully lit car-park,   survive with only cargo. You need to be
         Representatives from the Delta State   renovated VIP lounge, centralized   hub for a major cargo airline to generate
         administration and Asaba Airport   air-conditioning, etc., increased safety   enough traffic to be economically viable
         Company sit on a regular basis to discuss   and security, and support to the users   with just cargo. Asaba International
         the progress. As this is the first time   new offices, renovated building for the   Airport is an airport for mainly

           Asaba International Airport
       22 LUA                                                                                  JULY - AUGUST 2023
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