Page 25 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 25

With a population
         passengers and some cargo. Cargo is         of over 200             Asaba Airport which will be a strong
         very limited for the moment. We have                                attraction for businesses and investors?
         the ambition to grow the airport on both   million people, you      We are currently giving access to free
         cargo and passengers. The focus for now   would expect a lot more   land, though conditions apply, for any
         is on passengers as we need to build the                            investor that would generate either
         volumes to become profitable. The only   air cargo, domestically    passenger traffic or cargo traffic.
         way for air cargo to really develop is with   and internationally.   We have already two companies that
         the full support for the various public                             are about to build their factories
         offices like Ministry of Agriculture, Trade,   The government should   at the airport.
         Finance, etc.  Cold rooms, packing and   assist the industry
         distribution centers for farmers, good                               ?  How would you describe Asaba
         access roads, and assistance with required   to reduce the cost         Airport’s traffic so far, and how do
         paperwork for export, etc. are essential.   for the shippers and    you hope to attract more domestic and
         It’s the task for the government to make                            international airlines to the Airport?
         it possible for farmers to export. Nigeria   consignees. Warehouses   Traffic is below expectations and
         exports little produce compared to Kenya,   should be built; red tape   forecast. Nigeria hasn’t recovered from
         Ethiopia and South Africa. The industry                             the Covid crisis. While the world is
         is not yet mature enough to do it by itself   should be reduced and   experiencing massive growth in air
         and be profitable.                  initiatives should be           travel, Nigeria is seeing a shrink. Airlines
                                                                             are struggling due to the high cost of
         ?   What have been the main challenges   assisted to grow.          operations and international airlines are
                                                                             pulling out or not growing because of
             you encounter in managing the
         Asaba Airport?                       CHRISTOPHE                     the blocked funds.
         We are a private company with limited    ASABA
         funds and more careful than the     AIRPORT                          ?  What role do you think the Asaba
         other airport operators. The various                                    International Airport could play
         stakeholders must understand that                                   in the unfolding African Continental
         we don’t have deep pockets as the                                   Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and the
         government and all expenses are                                     Single African Air Transport Market
         carefully planned and examined. The                                 (SAATM), and how are you positioning
         impression that airports and aviation in                            the airport for this regional market?
         general makes a lot of money is wrong.                              We will have international airlines
         It is a capital-intensive industry but with                         soon. We are renovating the airport
         small profit margins.                                               and investing heavily to be ready to
                                           a profit. We currently just survive and   accommodate international flights.
         ?   The Asaba International Airport is   hope to grow towards profitability in the   The SAATM is a good agreement. The
             located close to the River Niger;
                                                                             Yamoussoukro agreement was good
                                           next 5 years.
         would you say this provides any                                     too. Agreements should not be only
         advantage in terms of multi-modal   ?  There are ongoing efforts by a   good on paper, but must be respected
         transport for movement of cargo?      committee constituted by federal   and applied. If the countries that
         Eventually this will be an advantage.   government towards developing air   signed SAATM respect the agreement,
         For the moment there is no interaction   cargo in Nigeria, how do you think air   we will see more and cheaper flights
         between the other transport branches.   cargo can be improved in Nigeria?  immediately.
         Besides, the River Niger is not   Like I mentioned before, the role of
         maintained and is deep enough for   the government is crucial. The air   ?  Where do you see Asaba
         traffic only six months a year. This is not   cargo, especially export, is still small   International Airport in the next
         reliable enough to be a serious means of   in Nigeria. With a population of over   5-10 years in terms of operating
         transportation for goods. Most, if not all,   200 million people, you would expect   standards and business improvements?
         goods are still transported by road.  a lot more air cargo, domestically and   We will be the best airport in Nigeria
                                           internationally. The government should   and be the third largest. We will continue
         ?   Nigeria has about 27 airports most   assist the industry to reduce the cost for   investing in operational excellence,
                                           the shippers and consignees. Warehouses
             of which are seen as unviable; what
                                                                             safety, security and customer service.
         would make Asaba International    should be built; red tape should be   International travellers will connect in
         Airport different?                reduced and initiatives should be   Asaba to other domestic destinations
         We are private sector with strict financial   assisted to grow; especially if they have   in Nigeria and Africa. We have at least
         rules; we watch our cost daily. We also   positive impact on employment.  three regional carriers operating to
         have a high commercial drive. We look                               Asaba. The airport will be operating
         for business and we think outside the   ?  What business opportunities could   24hrs and will be known to be the most
         box. Yet, we are still too small to make   support and be supported by the   reliable airport.

          JULY - AUGUST 2023                                                                               LUA 23
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