Page 20 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 20


                              Global trade


                         TO THE WORLD

                      Africa is expected to outperform much of the world in trade growth in the
                    coming years. Predictions of the continent’s economic awakening are nothing
                             new, but there are good reasons why this time it’s different.

             ust 50 kilometers (31 miles) away from   countries’ efforts to improve import/export   and VW manufacturing plants in Rwanda,
             Rwanda’s capital of Kigali and a mere   processes and infrastructure. It’s these   where the company is building new cars on
             15-minute drive from the much-  improvements that local observers believe   top of existing production in Morocco and
         Janticipated (and nearly complete)   will make the difference.      South Africa.
         Bugesera International Airport, the Bugesera
         Special Economic Zone (SEZ) has become   WHAT’S CHANGED, AND        THE AFRICAN TIGER?
         an important economic and cultural hub.   WHY DOES IT MATTER?       Africa’s projected trade bonanza takes
         And it’s not the only one. There are more   Africa has been touted as the ‘next big   us back to ten years ago when Vietnam
         than 200 SEZs across the continent.  thing’ time and again for two decades, but   was on a similar cusp. There are plenty
           SEZs are significantly boosting foreign   the predictions never panned out. In its   of comparisons. One of Vietnam’s main
         direct investment (FDI) into African   Economic Development in Africa Report   advantages was its proximity to China,
         countries. Rwanda is a prime example.   2022, the United Nations Conference   where rising salaries hindered low-cost
         Punching above its weight, the country is a   on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)   production, sending manufacturers looking
         symbol of optimism and part of an upbeat   revealed that in the past 20 years, one of the   for alternatives. Vietnam smartly leveraged
         forecast backed up by the DHL Trade   continent’s biggest obstacles to trade growth   the attention to attract FDI in high-
         Growth Atlas 2022, which predicts that Sub-  was the lack of export diversification.   value tech goods manufacturing,
         Saharan Africa will have the third-fastest   Africa was the world's second least export-  such as smartphones.
         trade growth among major world regions   diversified trade region during that time.  We’re seeing similar
         through 2026. Of the ten countries with   But things are different now. Rather   developments
         the fastest projected trade growth, five are   than merely announcing grand plans,   in Africa.
         in Africa: Democratic Republic of Congo,   policymakers are putting their money   The growing
         Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, and Uganda.  where their mouth is this time. As a result,   middle class
           It's no fluke, either. African startups   infrastructure is going up right before   also resembles
         reportedly attracted a record $3.5 billion   our eyes. For example, internet access   Vietnam. In
         in venture capital investment in the first   in Rwanda puts many American cities   the last 30
         half of 2022, bucking the global financial   to shame. In Senegal, they’re building a   years, it has
         downturn elsewhere.               brand-new “smart” city. Across Africa, tens   tripled to
           But haven’t we been here before?   of thousands of kilometers of highway are
         Stories of Africa’s economic awakening are   under construction, with hotels and filling
         nothing new. And we can trace some of   stations popping up along the way and
         the growth in 2022 to pandemic recovery.   creating mobility opportunities.
         The Atlas demonstrates that Africa’s trade   The population of Africa is now 1.4
         took a huge hit in the wake of Covid-19,   billion, with 60% under 25, according to
         meaning part of the acceleration reflects a   UN statistics. Demand for everything –
         recovery from that blow.          houses, cars, TVs – is on the rise. Add the
           The other part of the story is that we   availability of mobile money, which is more
         expect Sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP growth   accessible across the continent than ever,
         to gain momentum, naturally propelling   and you have all the ingredients for growth.
         the region’s increasing trade flows even   What’s more, the business world is
         further. The African Continental Free Trade   noticing and pouring tens of billions
         Agreement (AfCFTA) makes long-term   into the region. For example, there are
         prospects brighter still, bolstered by many   Volkswagen (VW) assembly lines in Ghana

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