Page 17 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 17


               SAATM is the way


               Reliable regulatory frameworks vital for private sector financing of African airports, says
           Emmanuel Chaves, President of Airport Council Africa (ACI) Africa, in an interview to Roy Ezze.

         ?   The airports and aviation industry                             economy unfortunately continues to face
             have remarkably recovered and this
                                                                            a number of challenges in 2023. From
         trend is expected to continue in 2023 and                          the never-ending conflict in Ukraine to
         2024, in what ways would you say                                   a looming economic slowdown in many
         African airports and travelers have                                major economies, including in Africa, the
         benefitted from this recovery?                                     risks are, sadly, more than ever present to
         Allow me to shed light first of all on the                         disrupt the current encouraging pace of
         potential recovery of our industry as                              the recovery from the pandemic, with the
         we are not there yet. It is true that, with                        greatest economic threat being that of the
         the removal of travel restrictions and                             significant increase in inflation.
         quarantine requirements for vaccinated                               As aviation is very much linked to such
         travellers in 2022, there has been an                              macroeconomic factors, the impact of prices
         upsurge in demand across many markets,                             and disposable income remain important
         including in Africa, as evidenced by the                             determinants of air transport demand. Thus,
         air traffic figures.                                                   uncertainty regarding a swift recovery of
           As the Covid-19 pandemic shaped                                             the aviation industry remains
         many near-term policy decisions                                                      omnipresent,
         over the last three                                                                     especially in the
         years, the global                                                                        near term.

          JULY - AUGUST 2023                                                                               LUA 15
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