Page 19 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 19

aviation by certain states rather than
                                                                             repeating, time and again, the rhetoric
                                                     Coming out of           that the cost of travel is expensive in
                                                     the pandemic,           Africa and that airports are the culprit
                                             as airports look to             and that they must reduce the airport
                                                                             charges to decrease the air fares, the cost
                                             ensure long-term                of freight, etc.
                                                                                ACI Africa strongly advocates
                                             financial sustainability        that all airport charges must be set in
                                             through the                     consultation with airlines, as per the
                                                                             ICAO regulatory framework, which
                                             diversification of their        means that airports must listen very
                                             revenue streams, cargo          carefully and take into full consideration
                                                                             the airlines’ inputs when determining
                                             has effectively become          their investment plans, operational needs,
                                             an important area to            and consequently their charges.
                                             be explored.                     ?  Africa’s air cargo has contributed

                                                                                 less than 2% of global air cargo
                                                                             figures over the past decade despite the
                                           the full freedom of our African skies, we   potential to double or triple Africa’s
                                           need the commitment of one and all.  contribution; do you think Africa can
                                             Let me now turn to ACI Africa’s   double this figure over the next 5 years
                                           contribution and support in the   and what should be the role of African
                                           operationalisation of the SAATM and the   airports in this regard?
                                           AfCFTA. I had presided the 69th board   My wish is that Africa can double its
         through the African Continental Free   meeting of ACI Africa on 27 February   current air cargo figures over the next 5
         Trade Area (AfCFTA); what is the role   2023 and I can confirm that, with the   years. The present forecast of ACI Africa for
         of African airports and ACI-Africa in   support of all my board members and my   the air cargo sector in Africa unfortunately
         this evolution, especially in terms of   secretariat, ACI Africa is more than ever   does not project such a robust growth
         ensuring affordable cost of freight?  determined to support the vision and   despite the AfCFTA constituting the largest
         I believe that the SAATM and the AfCFTA   mission of all African airports towards   free trade area in the world in terms of
         are indissociable flagship projects of the   enhancing safety, security, best industry   participating countries.
         African Union. In fact, the AfCFTA cannot   practices, decarbonisation, digital   Coming out of the pandemic, as
         be effective without the SAATM as the   transformation and sustainability.   airports look to ensure long-term
         latter rests on the elimination of the non-  Moreover, ACI Africa has crafted   financial sustainability through the
         physical barriers to the development of   its strategic orientation for the   diversification of their revenue streams,
         the air transport sector, the creation of a   coming three years, premising on the   cargo has effectively become an
         safe and reliable air transport industry, and   development of a robust and sustainable   important area to be explored. In light of
         the liberalisation of the aviation market   air transport industry for Africa with   the recent developments, many airports
         in Africa, amongst others. These are   the SAATM project as the backbone.   are now asking how they can capitalise
         equally the sine qua non conditions for the   ACI Africa will offer its full support and   on cargo’s resilience. The answer is not
         successful implementation of the AfCFTA.  join efforts with all key institutions and   straightforward, and it will probably
           At ACI Africa, we are totally   organisations on the continent towards   depend on many factors. Some of these
         convinced that the SAATM is the way   making the SAATM a reality for the   factors are not even within the airport’s
         forward if Africa wants a full reform   overall prosperity of Africa.  control which makes the process even
         of its air transport industry and to   Turning to the issue of ACI Africa   more complex. There is, however, one
         unite its fragmented air transport   and African airports ensuring affordable   consideration that applies to most
         market, in order to bring about the air   costs of freight, I have to explain first the   airports, i.e. developing cargo takes
         liberalization revolution, and enhance   sensitive topic of charges and taxes in   time and effort.
         the air connectivity, we have all been   Africa. Let me be very clear that charges   On the positive side, with the newfound
         craving for. We are, however, conscious   are not a threat to aviation growth, but an   importance for air cargo, there is
         that the SAATM is a very complex   objective and legitimate necessity to cover   willingness from aviation stakeholders to
         project in its implementation and   airport costs, like in any other industry.   invest in or contribute to its development.
         operationalisation, as evidenced by the   But, where I agree with you is that we   The development of a clear, well-thought-
         lack of the indefectible commitment   must focus our efforts on the removal of   out cargo strategy, including a cargo
         from some of the African states. And   unreasonable and unjustifiable taxation,   master plan, is essential to growing this
         yet, we all know that if we are to enjoy   in lieu of airport charges, imposed on   segment of airport’s portfolios.

          JULY - AUGUST 2023                                                                               LUA 17
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