Page 27 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 27

                                                                             Logistics is an enabler of e-commerce.
                                                                             Data by logistics consulting firm Knight
                                                                             Frank shows that the cost of transportation
                                                                             represents 50% to 75% of the retail price of
                                                                             goods. With an estimated 5 billion internet
                                                                             users, and a 2022 e-commerce sales sector
                                                                             valued at $5.7 trillion, this represents a
                                                                             massive proportion of the total value of the
                                                                             e-commerce industry.
                                                                                Logistics and e-commerce have
                                                                             developed a symbiotic relationship and
                                                                             created excellent user experiences – from
                                                                             the click of a mouse at online checkouts,
                                                                             to the fulfillment of the order at the
                                                                             customer’s chosen delivery location.
                                                                                The evolution of e-commerce gives
                                                                             small and medium-sized enterprises
                                                                             (SMEs) a unique opportunity not just to
                                                                             boost sales, but also to position themselves
                                                                             for long-term success — although it is
                                                                             important to realize that competition is
                                                                             stiff. As consumer expectations continue
                                                                             to evolve, SMEs reliant on logistics
                                                                             service providers must be able to offer
                                                                             cost-effective services that combine
                                                                             convenience with speed. To this end,
           As the world’s largest express   data insights to increase sustainability   many players are employing innovative
         transportation company, FedEx has   throughout the value chain. FedEx   technology to deliver more tailored
         evolved with the logistics sector, giving   Dataworks is focused on optimising our   shopping and shipping experiences that
         the business a unique perspective as   network and end to end operations to   increase the chances of a sale.
         one of the main facilitators of the global   improve efficiency through intelligent   One potential pitfall is the significant
         e-commerce expansion.             network planning, route optimisation,   gap between SMEs’ assessment of how
                                           load consolidation and providing greater   they’re meeting customer expectations
         CHALLENGES TO LOGISTICS           visibility by leveraging artificial intelligence   and how consumers view the experience.
         ADAPTING TO THE BUSINESS          and predictive tools to proactively monitor   Our analysis shows that the biggest
         LANDSCAPE                         shipments. This enables us to minimise   expectation gaps occur around having
         South Africa is only the 42nd largest   disruptions, improve customer satisfaction,   an efficient returns service and access to
         online shopping market, despite being   and mitigate financial risks by enhancing   customer support.
         ranked 33rd by per capita GDP. This   supply chain resilience.         The delivery service can have a
         difference can be attributed to several   Recently, we’ve launched FedEx   critical impact on a small business’s
         factors, inadequate road infrastructure   Sustainability Insights, a revolutionary tool   reputation. For this reason, it’s
         and sometimes insufficient address   that enables customers to access near real-  increasingly important for businesses
         data. Logistics companies that remain   time emissions data. The tool is designed to   to work with a logistics partner that can
         technologically innovative are looking to   provide new levels of transparency to our   take their business to the next level.
         overcome such challenges by utilizing GPS   customers and create a feedback loop for   As the logistics landscape continues to
         systems, and robust delivery fleets.   making our own operations more efficient.   grow, with increasing trust in the online
           Beyond this, there is also unequal access   Additionally, we have incorporated Electric   retail sector, businesses of every size need
         to reliable internet connectivity, limited   Vehicles into the Gauteng Fleet, to meet the   to consider how an equitable partnership,
         digital literacy, and low technology adoption   demand of fast and efficient service while   with an expert logistics company.
         rates in certain communities, which hinder   prioritising planet earth.                     1 ecommerceDB
         the growth of e-commerce and logistics.  Shipments are also expected to be quick
           There is a growing environmental   and efficient. This makes it even more   Natasha Parmanand is the Managing
         consciousness, where consumers are   important for e-commerce businesses to be   Director of FedEx Express Sub-Saharan
         increasingly inclined towards businesses   supported by a reliable logistics company   Africa Operations. Parmanand has been
         that prioritise sustainability. FedEx is   that can expertly manage the delivery of the   with FedEx for nine years and is based in
         harnessing the unmatched power of our   product and do it in a sustainable manner.   Johannesburg, South Africa.

          JULY - AUGUST 2023                                                                               LUA 25
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