Page 26 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 26






         The global e-commerce revolution has transformed the business
         landscape, and logistics providers are navigating these waves of
         change. Natasha Parmanand explores how the logistics industry
         is adapting to the evolving business landscape and supporting
         businesses in meeting customer expectations.

               he origin of e-commerce
               industry can be traced back
               to orders being placed from
         T television shows and a landline
         phone to sell just about everything.                                        As consumer
         Internet has transformed modern day                                         expectations
         e-commerce in the way, we acquire and
         interact for goods and services. We                                 continue to evolve, SMEs
         have become accustomed to purchasing                                reliant on logistics service
         anything we want online, including                                  providers must be able to
         industrial, aerospace, automotive and
         healthcare shipping solutions .                                     offer cost-effective services
           FedEx was firmly established                                       that combine convenience
         when the online shopping explosion                                   with speed.
         transpired, leaving the business well
         placed to meet shipping demands of                                               NATASHA PARMANAND
         a new generation of retail businesses                                                           FedEx
         and online shoppers.
                                                                                   With low barriers to entry,
         GROWTH AND                                                             e-commerce and the internet mean
         TRANSFORMATION IN                                                      businesses anywhere in the world
         E-COMMERCE                                                             are now able to trade across borders.
         South Africa is the 42nd largest market                               Even companies with small production
         for e-commerce with a predicted revenue                             numbers can create a presence online.
         of US$6,322.1 million by 2023. Revenue                                 With an increase of social media
         is expected to show a compound annual                                channels and platforms, that can
         growth rate (CAGR 2023-2027) of 11.9%,                                help businesses directly target their
         resulting in a projected market volume                                desired audience, small and medium
         of US$9,910.0 million by 2027.1 Even                                   enterprises (SMEs) are able to
         traditionally hesitant online shoppers                                  compete with retail giants on a global
         have adopted e-commerce. Covid-19                                       stage. Outside the traditional retail
         also accelerated the increase in no-                                    model, costs for e-commerce traders
         contact purchasing, and online shopping                             can be kept down and lower prices can be
         sites have become easier to navigate.                               passed on to consumers.

       24 LUA                                                                                  JULY - AUGUST 2023
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