Page 21 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
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This is an

         34% of the total population. Furthermore,   opportunity for logistics   countries had to produce what they
         the middle class comprises passionate                               needed to feed themselves.
         consumers who prefer to buy in Africa   companies to connect           Meanwhile, gas shortages have forced
         rather than from abroad. That said, African   Africa’s trade to the   the EU to diversify its energy resources and
         salaries are still relatively low, so there                         knock on Africa’s door. While EU market
         are a lot of made-in-Africa products for   world and the world’s    demand tripled, gas production in Senegal
         export, creating massive opportunities.   trade to Africa, whilst   and Mauritania increased tenfold, creating
         For example, Ethiopia’s fast-paced textiles-                        opportunities for equally higher revenue.
         for-export manufacturing industry   simultaneously promoting           Businesses previously dependent on
         now has major international companies   intra-Africa trade.         China are also turning to the African
         manufacturing or sourcing textile and                               continent to mitigate risk. That’s because the
                                                          HENNIE HEYMANS
         apparel products from the country.            CEO, SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA   new gas production has raised the demand
                                                                DHL EXPRESS  for cheap electricity, the new supply of which
         COULD LOGISTICS                                                     is attracting manufacturers. Even Chinese
         BE THE KEY?                       CAN PUBLIC POLICY HELP            companies, which previously exported 72%
         Logistics is arguably the critical link in   OIL THE (SUPPLY) CHAIN?  of the clothes bought by Africans, have
         Africa’s anticipated trade acceleration,   Another reason things are different this time   moved production to Ethiopia and Egypt to
         which means logistics companies can   is that many African governments, which   remain competitive. Ethiopia is now a major
         capitalize on the explosive trade growth   have been obstacles to trade growth, are now   exporter of shoes, for example.
         ahead. As the only company with air   on board. And we’re seeing steps to digitalize
         services to every one of Africa’s 51 nations,   and simplify trade and customs processes.  IS THERE A CAVEAT?
         we are well-positioned to support the   What’s more, sophisticated talent in   Despite all the positivity, experts still advise
         continent’s trade and GDP growth.  science and finance is being cultivated on   caution. Governments across Africa must
           We’re also working closely with African   the continent rather than brought in from   invest in durable peace, end troubling wars
         entrepreneurs to help them access the   abroad. For example, Senegal’s African   in some parts of the continent, and support
         global marketplace and increase cross-  Institute for Petrochemicals now trains local   this new shift.
         border trade. For example, our GoTrade   chemical engineers rather than importing   That’s because more trade within Africa
         initiative aims to support international   them, which comes at a higher cost. In   will bring stability to Africa. More economic
         trade and economic growth by increasing   addition, Rwanda is quickly becoming a   interdependence lowers the likelihood of
         the number of small and medium-sized   platform for tech. The Kigali Innovation Hub   conflict and leads to more peace. It’s one of
               companies trading across borders.   has been dubbed ‘the Silicon Valley of Africa,’   the many benefits of globalization.
                   As a result, we’re helping a   with young African talent now settling in   Although the AfCFTA trade agreement,
                      wide range of businesses   Rwanda rather than traveling to the US to   which began on January 1, 2021, is getting
                        expand abroad and   work. Meanwhile, the Africa Academy of   off to a slow start, it will, over time, reduce
                          bring in valuable   Sciences is developing engineers locally in   customs barriers between African countries,
                           new revenue –   Senegal, Rwanda, and South Africa.  increase connectedness, and accelerate
                             from tea and    State-of-the-art cold chains are also   African growth.
                             coffee makers   in the works. The Addis Ababa Bole
                              in in Tanzania   International Airport in Ethiopia is a great   THE FUTURE OF AFRICA
                               to fashion   example, offering a more advanced setup   IS IN AFRICA
                               designers in   than some European solutions. That’s   Despite the media’s focus on political drama
                               Nigeria.    attracting major manufacturers like H&M,   and conflict in Africa, insiders believe we
                                           Tesco, Gap, Belk, and Walmart to produce   are seeing the dawn of a new era – and that
                                           goods locally. The country’s dozen new   it won’t be a false dawn this time.
                                           investment platforms, all connected by   African youth today are as educated
                                           air, mean products can arrive in America,   and competitive as their European
                                           Europe, or Asia the next morning.  counterparts. Forward-looking business
                                                                             leaders are pouring tens of billions into
                                           TURNING CHALLENGES INTO           the region. And public policymakers are
                                           OPPORTUNITIES?                    helping to pave the way.
                                           Challenges elsewhere can also be a source   It’s an exciting time to support this
                                           of hope for Africa. The war in Ukraine and   growth – to help connect Africa to the
                                           China’s restrictions on international travel   world and the world to Africa.
                                           in the past three years have brought a new
                                           sense of urgency to Africa’s policymakers   This story was originally published in
                                           and the desire to become self-reliant.   Delivered, which is DHL’s global hub for stories
                                           For example, restrictions on agricultural                 and insights.
                                           goods like rice from India meant African   Source:

          JULY - AUGUST 2023                                                                               LUA 19
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