Page 23 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 23

Murtala Muhammed
                         International Airport                               despite the over 200 million population in
                         (MMIA) in Lagos, Nigeria                            Nigeria. Sadly, over 180 million Nigerians
                                                                             do not use air transport. While three new
                                                                             airlines launched operation in the last one
                                                                             year, the number of domestic passenger has
                                                                             remained at about 10 million, while most
                                                                             Nigerian airports still receive few airlines
                                                                             and frequencies.

                                                   Nigeria needs             SAATM & AFCFTA PROGRESS
                                                   to get serious to         Although Nigeria is among 19 States
                                                                             undertaking the Pilot implementation
                                                   establish an enduring     Project (PIP) of the Single African Air
                                                   perishable cargo          Transport Market (SAATM) and Nigeria
                                                   business. Apart from      has also signed for the African Continental
                                                                             Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the challenges
                                                   envisioning and           in the country’s aviation industry will
                                                   carefully planning it,    impact on Nigeria’s expected exemplary role
                                                   you also need to do       in SAATM and AfCFTA.
                                                                                According to Adefunke Adeyemi,
                                                   the work and make it      Secretary General of AFCAC, the
                                                   a success.                implementation of SAATM by more states
                                                                             is vital to improve Africa’s economy and
                                                            GEORGE URIESI    integration. And the Secretary General of
                                                                   IBOM AIR
                                                                             the AfCFTA Secretariat, Wamkele Mene,
                                                                             stated recently that over the past four years
         and vegetables from Nigeria’s northern   Stakeholders have also called for   of AfCFTA’s existence, “We can count
         region to the south where there is huge   government to upgrade current airports   many achievements thus far, not only in
         demand. The absence of storage facilities in   as opposed to building new ones.   terms of ratifications, but also in terms
         remote agricultural regions as well as within   However, according to George Uriesi,   of developing and operationalising legal
         or near airports also hinders air freight of   Chief Operating Officer of Ibom Air,   instruments and mechanisms towards
         agriculture cargo within Nigeria.   Nigeria needs to get serious to establish   commercially meaningful trade under
           Consequently, Capt. John Okakpu,   an enduring perishable cargo business.   the AfCFTA preferential regime.” The
         Managing Director of ABX Worldwide, and   “Apart from envisioning and carefully   Executive Secretary of the Economic
         other concerned stakeholders are leading   planning it, you also need to do the   Commission for Africa (ECA) Antonio
         new advocacy to standardise Nigeria’s   work and make it a success,” he said.   Pedro, recently charged African states to
         agricultural production and exports and   The Enugu state Governor, Peter Mbah,   develop “hard and soft infrastructure” to
         ensure traceability of export products. He is   and the FAAN MD/CEO, Kabir Yusuf   support trade among African States.
         working on a programme to train Nigerian   Mhammed, discussed on setting up a
         agricultural producers and players in the   cargo terminal for Enugu International   GOVERNMENT UNCERTAINTY
         export value-chain.               Airport, one of Nigeria’s airports that   Nigeria is in an awkward position to
           Christophe Pinninck, Managing   receives Ethiopian Airlines.      participate meaningfully in the regional
         Director of Asaba International Airport,   The infrastructure crisis also affects   air transport and trade markets.
         said: “The only way for agri-export to   Nigeria’s flagship airports. The new   Stakeholders want the new government
         work by air in Nigeria is to have a similar   terminal in Lagos has failed to attract   in Nigeria to turn around the economy
         facility close to the cities that produce the   foreign airlines due to inadequate apron to   to generate increased volume of air cargo
         perishable cargo. NBO (Nairobi) airport   accommodate large aircraft, as few airlines   and enable more people to fly.
         has good roads leading to it and the same   currently use the new terminal. Some   However, amidst these challenges,
         is valid of JNB (Johannesburg). It is a   airline representatives want the concern of   the new government still faces court
         total concept that is important. Not just a   foreign airlines over the new terminal to be   litigations as opposition political parties
         warehouse or a runway.”           addressed, as they also call attention to the   are contesting the result of the presidential
           According to Alexander Nwuba,   “extortion” and other distasteful experiences   election that brought the current
         president of the Aircraft Owners & Pilots   at the old Lagos international terminal.  government into power on May 29, 2023.
         Association of Nigeria, a location has                              Aviation observers wait with bated breath
         been earmarked for the facility by the   POPULATION WITHOUT         over the many uncertainties needing
         former Managing Director of the Federal   PASSENGERS                urgent government attention for the
         Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN),   The economic crunch in Nigeria has also   recovery of Nigeria’s air transport and air
         Capt. Rabiu Hamisu.               limited the number of local air travellers,   cargo industry.

          JULY - AUGUST 2023                                                                               LUA 21
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