Page 16 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 16


         the premier eCommerce parcel gateway                                 THE ROAD AHEAD
         for Africa and its surrounding areas. This                          Apart from ethnic conflicts, major
         partnership will look to establish Ethiopia as                      challenges for Ethiopia, include the rising
         a prominent player in Africa’s eCommerce                            costs of fuel needed for transportation and
         market, amidst a thriving digital economy                           the weakening currency resulting in lower
         that is taking off there.                                           import volumes.
           This year   also saw Ethiopian Cargo &                               As per the ITA report, the Government
         Logistics Services flagging off two weekly                          of Ethiopia (GOE) aims to boost exports
         freighter flights connecting Xiamen with   We are sending out       and trade through a $1 billion investment
         São Paulo and Santiago via Addis Ababa.   a few things and          in agro-processing industrial parks to
         Ethiopian also announced two weekly                                 make Ethiopia a top manufacturing hub on
         freighter flights between Shenzhen and    bringing in so many       the continent.
         Liège from February 17, 2023. A company   imports, making us           The report also highlighted challenges
         release cited that Ethiopian will deploy a   highly dependent on    in the agro-processing sector, which also
         B777 Freighter on the new cargo routes.                             included the need for effective supply
           Ethiopian Airlines had also inked       perishable traffic as     chains, better cold chain facilities, and
         a strategic partnership agreement to      we do not have other      integration of smallholder farmers and food
         jointly commence sea-air multimodal       exports and finished      processors into the commercial value chain
         transportation with International Djibouti                          apart from other issues.
         Industrial Park Operation (IDIPO) and     goods to send.               Alemu said, “The solution that we
         Air Djibouti in March for expeditious            DAWIT WOUBISHET    believe will assist in improving the growth
         transportation of goods to Africa last year.       WOUBGET HOLDINGS  of the logistics network is the development
           Based on the agreement, the cargo will                            of policies that focus on sustainability e.g.
         be transported from China to Djibouti Free   Ethiopia, especially leveraging Ethiopian   environmentally safe inputs like Sustainable
         Zone by sea and will be uplifted by air from   Airlines’ services. With the construction of   Aviation Fuel (SAF), lowering costs of air
         Djibouti International Airport, thereby   a new eCommerce warehouse, Ethiopian   connectivity among countries, and a growing
         facilitating trade between Africa and China   Airlines is building substantial potential   number of partnerships in the industry.”
         through fast and easy movement of cargo.   for eCommerce in Ethiopia. This potential   Woubishet mentioned the imbalance
         The deal enables traders to order their   extends to the rest of Africa as well,   of cargo and market liberalisation as some
         products from China to Africa via Djibouti   since the Addis Ababa hub is very well   of the major challenges for air cargo but
         port and with Ethiopian facilitating the   connected to the entire continent.”  also listed Ethiopia’s proximity to major
         air movement of goods to different parts   Talking about the country’s eCommerce   markets like the Middle East and Europe
         of Africa through its vast network, cited a   potential, Alastair Tempest, CEO of   as an opportunity.
         company release.                  E-commerce Forum Africa said, “At    He said, “We are sending out a few
           In yet another significant development   present, it is a reasonably small eCommerce   things and bringing in so many imports,
         this year, Ethiopian Airlines Group partnered   market (in Ethiopia), concentrated in   making us highly dependent on perishable
         with MailAmericas (MA), a private postal   the main cities. However, with the rapid   traffic as we do not have other exports and
         operator in January to establish competitive   growth of internet connections, driven by   finished goods to send. With Kenya starting
         cross-border eCommerce services between   competition in telecoms, Ethiopia is set to   sea shipments of perishables, it will bring
         Africa and the Middle East, with Addis   become a bigger player in eCommerce at a   some competition on that front, while
         Ababa serving as a hub.           national level. Ethiopian Airlines was very   competing with Middle Eastern airlines
           Alemu said, “The partnership with   fast in pivoting from passenger to cargo   can become a challenge for ET especially to
         postal companies such as Mail America   from the start of the pandemic. It, therefore,   compete on their low freight prices.”
         enables us to serve our customers   established itself as a major air cargo   Lawrence too emphasised that
         better by leveraging the expertise and   provider particularly in East Africa and in   Ethiopian Airlines' plan to transform
         the huge postal network while also   Africa-India trade.”           Addis Ababa into a smart logistics hub is a
         complementing our efforts in making   Meanwhile, Mekbib added that   smart move.
         Addis Ababa the eCommerce logistics   Ethiopian Airlines (ET) seems well-placed   He said, “Addis Ababa is strategically
         hub for Africa and its surroundings.   to support the current eCommerce demand.   located in the heart of Africa, making
         Cooperation across the supply chain is   He said, “As the largest African carrier, ET is   it an ideal hub for cargo operations. Its
         a must and our partnership with MA is   responsible for the majority of movements   central location provides easy access to
         an important step towards strengthening   into and out of Ethiopia. Its plans include   multiple African markets, enabling efficient
         our activity in this area.”       expanding its warehouse capacity to an   connections and distribution of cargo across
           Penseel of CEVA Logistics said,   area of 15,000m2 (150,000 tonnes/annum).   the continent. This geographical advantage
         “Locally, we are in continuous discussions   This expansion will include automated and   positions Addis Ababa as a gateway for
         with eCommerce sellers on how to bring   mechanised ULD storage, retrieval system   cargo flows between Africa, Asia, Europe,
         our eCommerce logistics solutions to   ETV, and package sorting.”   and the Americas.”

       14 LUA                                                                                  JULY - AUGUST 2023
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