Page 15 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 15

transport within the continent, AfCFTA
                                                                             will aid the growth of airlines and boost
                                                                             intra-Africa trade and tourism in Africa.
                                                                                Aklilu Mekbib, Director of Global Sales
                                                                             at ASI said, “As Ethiopia is a major aviation
                                                                             hub, the adoption of SAATM will likely
                                                                             lead to increased connectivity, more flight
                                                                             options, and enhanced competition among
                                                                             airlines. But SAATAM by itself will not
                                                                             guarantee growth, the AfCFTA needs to be
                                                                             in place so that new and current African-
                                                                             based carriers can compete with the large
                                                                             non-African carriers that currently have
         company WoubGet Holdings and      many challenges including Ethiopia being   a majority over African air space. The
         Vice President at EFFSAA (Ethiopian   land-locked, having a shortage of containers,   AFCFTA is a landmark agreement that
         Freight Forwarders and Shipping Agents   and having to use the Djibouti and Berbera   establishes a single market for goods and
         Association) puts the start of Ethiopia’s   ports route, making it a time-consuming   services across Africa, aiming to boost intra-
         horticulture or perishables trade boom   process. An unbroken cold chain, getting   African trade. Ethiopia, with its strategic
         in 2004-5 when the flower trade began   big shipping vessels, and handling are other   location and strong air cargo capabilities, is
         to flourish amidst government subsidies   challenges we might face.”  well-positioned to benefit from the AfCFTA.
         and support.                                                        The agreement will likely lead to increased
           “Rose, Carnations, and Gypsophila are   PROMISING AVIATION        trade volumes, including air cargo, within
         three major export varieties of flowers. We   REFORMS               Africa. As a result, the demand for air cargo
         are also doing well in fruits and vegetables   The Single African Air Transport Market   and logistics services in Ethiopia is expected
         and command a huge market. We are also   (SAATM) and African Continental Free   to grow, creating opportunities for the
         growing Strawberries, while Avocados   Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreements are   country's aviation industry.”
         are being grown on over 7500 acres of   expected to have a transformative effect on   Woubishet added, “The idea of these
         land in Ethiopia planted and will be ready   the aviation and logistics landscape    agreements is good but the documentation
         for the export market from the end of   of Ethiopia.                is going to take a long time to make such
         August this year. 90% of our perishables   While SAATM aims to liberalise   reforms operational and there are countries
         are transported via air shipments primarily   the African aviation market, promote   who are yet to sign on. I have seen instances
         using Ethiopian Airlines, which does 17   connectivity, and remove barriers to air   where Ethiopian and Kenyan flowers have
         charters in a week to Europe apart from                             gone to Amsterdam, Paris, and then finally
         existing belly capacities and small charter                         to Gabon or parts of Western Africa, and
         planes flying to the Middle East.”                                  such reforms can create intra-African links
           Interestingly a joint programme by                                and reduce transit time, which is better for
         USAID, Israel’s MASHAV, and Ethiopia’s                              the life of the flowers as well.”
         agricultural ministry introduced an
         imported Hass variety of avocados over                              FOCUS ON ECOMMERCE
         the last four years to the Ethiopian farm                           China being a major investor in Africa is
         community. Their growth and exports in                              one factor while another is the boom of
         recent trial runs to encouraging results   Locally, we are          electronic payments which is leading to a
         to the European market has made it a                                potential for the growth of eCommerce in
         commodity to watch out for.               in continuous             the country.
           Talking about the potential of the first-  discussions with          An indicator of the sector’s growth
         ever Ethiopian avocado exports hitting the   eCommerce sellers      is the Ethiopian government’s digital
         markets this year, Woubishet says,  “Ethiopia                       strategy called ‘Ethiopia 2025’ following an
         is currently doing $570 million worth of   on how to bring our      increasing number of online retailers and
         perishable exports in the last 9-11 months,   eCommerce logistics   consumers taking the e-commerce route.
         compared to $500-520 million worth of     solutions to Ethiopia,       In line with this, Ethiopian Airlines
         exports, showing growth in this vertical.                           and Ethiopost, the designated postal
         These numbers are set to grow owing to    especially leveraging     operator of Ethiopia, recently signed a
         avocado production that will be exported   Ethiopian Airlines’      memorandum of understanding (MOU)
         to China, Europe, the Middle East, and the   services.              to enhance e-commerce capabilities and
         US. Estimates put the avocado production at                         position the country as the gateway for
         12,000 containers (ocean freight in 40 foot        PETER PENSEEL    e-commerce in Africa.
         containers)  in the first season and the sea          CEVA LOGISTICS   The MoU will likely ensure that Addis
         route will be explored. However, there are                          Ababa Bole International Airport becomes

          JULY - AUGUST 2023                                                                               LUA 13
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