Page 12 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 12



                   SIGNALLING A NEW


            Battling ethnic conflicts and food security issues, Ethiopia’s economy is getting a shot in the
             arm thanks to a booming aviation sector and vibrant perishables trade that symbolise green
             shoots for the nation. While the logistics sector still has a long way to go, we map its recent
                    logistics and air cargo milestones and the way forward, Lakshmi Ajay reports.

               ven as Ethiopia, Africa’s second   to high food insecurity in the Horn of   noted by The International Air Transport
               most populous country, is battling   Africa region and large scale displacement   Association (IATA) which in a recent
               several pressing challenges   - the country is looking at new ways to   press release mentioned that Ethiopia
        Eincluding recovery from the impact   refocus from the current crisis and forge a   is recovering strongly from
         of Covid-19, climate change, prolonged   path towards economic stability.   the Covid-19 crisis and its
         regional conflicts, the Russia-Ukraine war,   One important milestone towards its   benchmark regional connectivity
         and reduced agency funding that is leading   economic resilience and recovery was   (within Africa) (in aviation)

       10 LUA                                                                                  JULY - AUGUST 2023
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