Page 13 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 13

stood at 113% of pre-crisis levels according                        Cargo in Canada and Mumbai said, “The
         to IATA’s Connectivity Index.                                       busiest trade lanes into Ethiopia include
           IATA has since urged the government                               China, India, Europe, the Middle East
         of Ethiopia to act swiftly to clear the $95                         and North America. The largest segments
         million in airline funds blocked from                               of this import traffic are manufacturing
         repatriation to ensure the country’s                                (around 65%), petroleum products, mining
         connectivity is not threatened.                                     equipment, and machinery (around 14%),
           Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General                             and agricultural products (about 13%).
         said, "Ethiopia’s aviation industry is set                          Exports from Ethiopia are busy into the EU,
         to triple by 2040, with an average 6%     Our vision is to be       North America, the Middle East, and the
         growth in passenger traffic over the next   among the top cargo     rest of Africa.”
         17 years. Ethiopia has the opportunity to   airlines in the world      While Ethiopia’s horticulture industry
         take the lead, and in doing so, construct                           has been a major contributor to the air
         an aviation future that is as sustainable as   in terms of FTK by   cargo uplift volumes, with flowers and
         it is successful.”                        providing safe,           coffee being significant exports, of late the
           In fact, IATA also flagged off the first-  market-driven, and     pharmaceutical exports to other African
         ever two-day “Focus Africa” conference                              countries and the textile trade are also
         in Addis Ababa this June, with Ethiopian   customer-focused         seeing growth.
         Airlines as the host airline that saw 400   air cargo, courier,        Lawrence added, “The country has seen
         participants join it.                     and mail transport        an increase in textile exports, including

         BUSY ROUTES                               services by 2035.         ready-made garments, textiles, and
                                                                             accessories. This segment contributes to
         Joe Lawrence, President of Airline Services           ABEL ALEMU    the air cargo uplift volumes, especially to
         International (ASI), a general sales and   ETHIOPIAN CARGO & LOGISTICS SERVICES  destinations in Europe and North America.
         service agent (GSSA) for Ethiopian Airlines                         There has also been a rise in trade with

          JULY - AUGUST 2023                                                                               LUA 11
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