Page 11 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 11

African aviation industry over the next two
                                                                             decades. According to Times Aerospace,
                                                                             IBA predicts that African airline traffic will
                                                                             recover to pre-Covid levels by 2024 and
                                                                             that it will surpass 140 million passengers
                                                                             carried by 2030. As growth happens,
                                                                             the ground handling industry must be
                                                                             prepared to handle emerging trends from
                                                                             airlines that want lower handling costs,
                                                                             self-handling, and going green initiatives
                                                                             that require GSE that use solar or fossil
                                                                             fuels,” added Nalianya.
                                                                                Africa has enormous potential for
         needed to support the role of the private   GROUND HANDLING         aviation. Africa now provides just
         sector in developing African airports.  POTENTIAL                   around 2% of total worldwide travel,
           “We firmly believe that quality and   According to IATA, Africa has a strong   while having 17% of the world's
         safety are paramount in every aspect   basis for increasing aviation's contribution   population. The continent's air
         of our operations. We are confident we   to its growth. Prior to Covid-19, aviation   connection may be greatly enhanced.
         offer competitive charges and the highest   in Africa provided 7.7 million employment   “As the world’s second-largest continent,
         possible quality for the airport we operate   and $63 billion in economic activity.   there is huge potential across a number of
         in Zanzibar. We work closely with local   Projections are for demand to triple over   sectors that varies by each market. For us,
         stakeholders to deliver the highest possible   the next two decades.  we are committed to making Zanzibar one
         standards of compliance across everything   “The African aviation market is   of the most admired airports in Africa,
         we do, having recently received RA3   largely untapped. As the sector grows, the   delivering a customer experience that helps
         certification for our current cargo facility, a   ground-handling market will also grow.   grow the tourism industry and reputation
         first in Zanzibar,” said Jonas.   Experts predict triple-digit growth in the   as a destination of choice,” added Jones.


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