Page 9 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 9

“The industry
                                                                                                 at large is
                                                                                                gradually getting
                                                                                              in on the broader
                                                                                             trend of digital
                                                                                          transformation, owing to
                                                                                      the advent of new platforms and
                                                                                  technologies that significantly enhance
                                                                              supply chain visibility and efficiency,” he said.
                                                                                Due to increased demand for agricultural
                                                                             commodity exports and growing
                                                                             industrialization of certain key markets,
                                                                             Usidame noted that the industry needs a
                                                                             game changer in a few areas: Digitalization of
                                                                             ports and stakeholders, tech advancements
                                                                             like blockchain and adoption of big data.
                                                                                Mwangi thinks that the logistics tech
                                                                             requirements of Africa are no different to
                                                                             other markets. “The issues that we solve
                                                                             elsewhere also need to be solved in Africa
                                                                             as the demands in the economy are the
             Right now we see                                                same. Consumers and businesses still want
             basic technology                                                efficient and secure transport services. The
                                                                             only issue is in Africa we sometimes have to
             used for warehousing,                                           solve a layer deeper. For example, it might be
             truck aggregation,                                              more difficult to source transport providers
             physical technology                                             as the market is more fragmented. These
                                                                             search costs can then be further increased by
             such as cranes, forklifts,                                       the difficulty of comparing across so many
             infrastructure such                                                  different providers,” he said.
             as roads and good                                                           He informed that, with
                                                                                           Amitruck, they make sure
             governance as being                                                               the transporter can
             more important.                                                                      comply with
                     MARK MWANGI
                          AMITRUCK                                                                  service level

          JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023                                                                          LUA 7
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