Page 8 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 8


         African landscape demands



         Africa, like any other region in the world, has been using the most out
         of its entrepreneurs and technopreneurs to solve the inefficiencies
         and hurdles in its logistics. The one way they are growing is by
         collaborating and leveraging the best from each other.
         reports Libin Chacko Kurian

              ogistics technology companies
              around the world are helping
              businesses to improve the efficiency
        Land effectiveness of the logistics
         industries. These tech-based logistics
         companies streamline and optimise supply
         chain processes, enabling businesses to
         effectively manage the movement of goods
         and materials. And it is the same with the
         African continent.
           However, many African countries lack
         a robust infrastructure for transportation
         and logistics, which can make it difficult for
         businesses to track the movement of goods
         and materials.
           For example, the transport costs in
         the Northern Corridor, an important
         transport route in the East and Central
         African countries of Burundi, Eastern DR
         Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan and
         Uganda are estimated at $1.8 per km per
         container, according to a survey carried
         out by the Shippers Council of East Africa
         (SCEA), which is significantly higher than
         international rates. Further studies by SCEA
         also note that the Covid-19 pandemic has
         further increased these logistics costs on
         several fronts making it difficult to move   issues such
         goods in the continent.           as private
           Mark Mwangi, founder & CEO of the   infrastructure (e.g.
         Nairobi-based digital logistics marketplace   Forklifts, Automation etc), public
         Amitruck agrees with the fact that Africa   infrastructure (e,g, paved roads, bridges
         is still lagging slightly behind other regions   etc) and governance (trade zones, customs,   logistics industry in Africa is behind when
         and markets. “The logistics sector is highly   corruption reduction etc),” he said.    compared to that of other continents.
         fragmented and requires consolidation in   Sola-Usidame, founder and CEO   He pointed out that in India, a similar
         order to make the adoption of new solutions   of the Nigerian freight management   market, the industry is adapting to digital
         and technologies viable, and solve various   startup OnePort 365 also thinks that the   transformation at a very fast rate.

       6 LUA                                                                              JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023
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