Page 5 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 5

So how can air cargo position itself as a                         handling before and after harvesting. He
         premium mode of transport for perishable                            called them the big five ifs.
         commodities like flowers? Is there a value                             The pandemic had a devastating impact
         to be unlocked for this premium mode of                             on Africa’s flower exporters, particularly
         transport? Jeroen van der Hulst, owner and                          on those from Kenya, as they faced severe
         founder of FlowerWatch, a Netherlands-                              shortfall in air freight capacity. The impact
         based centre of expertise and worldwide                             was so severe that small-scale flower farms
         trendsetter in monitoring and ensuring                              were throwing away a fifth of their daily
         the quality, value and vase life of fresh-cut                       produce meant for export even in the early
         flowers and plants, thinks that there is   As a Kenyan cargo        part of this year. However, the big players
         tremendous value to be unlocked.                                    managed to lock-in capacity through
           Van der Hulst was evaluating the       airline it is our          advance bookings on airlines. This was
         current position of air cargo as a mode   responsibility to our     largely because the air freight capacity out
         of transport in the light of recent      customers to make          of Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International
         developments in Africa, particularly in                             Airport was yet recover fully from the
         Kenya, and earlier in South America,     sure that we are able      interruptions caused by Covid-19 in 2020.
         in how flower exporters have been        to provide low cost,          The cost of transport is a main concern
         experimenting container shipping as an   reliable and direct        for a large majority of Kenyan exporters
         option to transport cut roses.                                      of horticulture products, such as flowers.
           “We need to position air cargo as a    air freight options        The air freight industry is well-developed
         premium logistic mode. And I even dare   to new markets             in Kenya and highly flexible to meet
         to say that sea freight cannot be successful   so that we are not   demands. The sea freight industry of fresh
         without an excellent air cargo. The two                             produce, however, is less developed and
         have to work together,” he said. He also   over dependent on        could become many times larger.
         argued that flower transport by ocean    European carriers.            Last year, a report published by
         freight will be successful only if it ticks                         the Embassy of the Kingdom of the
         all the important boxes like temperature,         SANJEEV GADHIA    Netherlands in Nairobi explored the
                                                              ASTRAL AVIATION
         packaging, excellent production, excellent                          potential of sea freight for exporting flowers

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          JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023Y - FEBRUARY 2023
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