Page 10 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 10


         expectations, especially for large local and
         multinational companies. “It can be tricky
         to solve for those without aggregators such
         as Amitruck,” he added.
           The logistics industry in Africa
         deals with highly fragmented freight
         management systems, high costs,
         complexity, opaque processes and poor
         connectivity among stakeholders.
           To streamline the chaos, Usidame
         believes that Africa requires a radical
         systemic transformation focused on
         the gateway, trucking and logistics                                 of IoT to help track goods and eventually
         facilitation inefficiencies.                                        with the data collected from these basics
           “Getting the logistics infrastructure right                       we might be able to progress to AI and
         is critical for an efficient logistics supply                       Blockchain. There are still a lot of very basic
         chain, as Africa's supply chain networks will                       issues to solve,” he said.
         be a determining factor of Africa’s global                             One of the other things that make
         competitiveness in the future,” he said.                            the African logistics tech ecosystem is
           In August 2022, Google, through its                               its willingness to collaborate and strive
         $50 million Africa Investment Fund,                                 towards an integrated logistics network with
         announced participation in the Pre-Series   Getting the logistics   technology. For example, Mobility 54 – the
         B round of the African on-demand logistics   infra right is critical   corporate venture capital subsidiary of
         and trucking company Lori Systems. This                             Toyota Tsusho and CFAO – was one of the
         is because of the tech giant’s belief in how   as Africa's supply   companies that invested in OnePort 365 in
         much the logistics tech landscape and    chain networks will be     April 2022  together with one of the biggest
         startups in the ecosystem can transform   a determining factor      Japanese venture capitals Samurai Incubate,
         African business and economics.                                     Flexport and SBI Investment.
         According to Lori Systems Linkedin page,   of Africa’s global          Mobility 54 has been investing in the
         the start-up is tackling a massive issue in   competitiveness in    improvement and digitalization of the
         Africa. “$180 billion is spent annually on   the future.            in-land logistics sector in Africa through
         haulage across Africa, which means that                             the strategic partnership with Sendy and
         up to 75 percent of a product’s cost is due         SOLA-USIDAME    Kamtar which is also engaged in digital
                                                                ONEPORT 365
         to logistics (compared to 6 percent in the                          logistics services in French-speaking Africa.
         US),” it reads.                     Mwangi noted that there are several   Mobility 54 invested $2 million in
           Moove, an African mobility fintech,   notable African startups in logistics   OnePort and in the announcement it lists
         had signed a  partnership with Lori   bringing different solutions to create value   one of its purposes as “To facilitate the
         Systems to launch in East Africa in 2021.   in parts of the value chain. Some of the   collaboration with Sendy and Kamtar
         Moove is solving the problem of African   startups he named are: Kobo360 in Nigeria,   whereby Mobility 54 aims to develop a
         entrepreneurs' access to finance through   Trella in the Middle East and North Africa,   digitally-integrated logistics service for both
         digitation. It is an African-born, global   Jetstream in Ghana and many others. These   cross-border and in-land transport.”
         mobility fintech company that provides   tech-enabled logistics startups use different   Meanwhile, speaking about the new year
         revenue-based vehicle financing and   technologies including artificial intelligence   and the future of logistics tech in Africa, the
         financial services to mobility entrepreneurs   (AI), machine learning (ML) and Internet of   most practical technology that Mwangi of
         across ride-hailing, logistics, mass transit,   Things (IoT) to achieve the desired results.  Amitruck is looking forward to in 2023 is
         and instant delivery platforms.     However, Mwangi believes that they   5G connectivity. He believes 5G will have a
           In June 2022, Moove announced its   still need some basics to be in place in   deep impact on the information exchanged
         second trucking partnership in Kenya   Africa before starting to push for those,   between various people and systems which
         with Sendy, a Nairobi-based tech company   even though he appreciates the need for   will result in better coordination between
         that builds fulfilment infrastructure   deep technology and the amazing benefits   operators. “There are various technologies
         for e-commerce and consumer brands.   it can bring to this market. “Right now we   that can transform logistics, but it requires
         The announcement reads. “The Sendy   see basic technology used for warehousing,   time and effort to build professional-grade
         partnership will enable fast, easy, and   truck aggregation, physical technology such   solutions that truly create value and can
         effective delivery of critical goods within   as cranes, forklifts, infrastructure such as   easily be adopted. Several technologies have
         Kenya to and from various destinations,   roads and good governance as being more   already made their way into businesses
         meeting the needs of a diverse portfolio of   important. Once we have those in place and   such as mobile money, cloud computing,
         cargo owners and end consumers.”   working well we can then argue for the likes   and API,” he said.

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