Page 12 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 12


         the SAATM, with the approval of the AU,
         was fitted out with updated and improved
         vital instruments including the dispute
         settlement mechanism and competition
         rules which were previously lacking in the
         YD and largely caused stagnation of the
         YD. With this, Africa is set to implement its
         liberalisation under the SAATM.
         MASAS DRIVE
         Africa celebrated the YD Day 2022 in
         November in Dakar, Senegal, with the
         launch of the ambitious SAATM Pilot
         Implementation Project (PIP) involving
         18 pilot States. More remarkably,
         the continent tested its resolve to
         implement the policy harmonisation
         for the liberalisation of its air transport
         market as the pilot States
         and others engaged in
         robust discussions and
         agreements during
         the global Air Services                       Delegates at the ICAO ICAN 2022 held in Abuja, Nigeria
         Negotiation event
         (ICAN) organized by the                     has implored African States   Anthony Derjacques, Minister of
         International Civil Aviation                to ensure intra-African air   Transport of Seychelles, enthused that
         Organization (ICAO) in Abuja,               services agreement going   Seychelles has signed many agreements at
         Nigeria, in December 2022.             forward should be multilateral or   the ICAO ICAN, including with Nigeria;
           “Over 400 participants representing 63   plurilateral to drive liberalisation on the   and looks forward to “seamless air travel”
         countries concluded 212 new international   continent. Ideally, therefore, SAATM-  ipso facto.
         air services agreements at ICAO’s 2022 Air   compliant African states were not expected   Mohamed Rahma, Director of ICAO’s
         Services Negotiation (ICAN) event,” ICAO   to sign bilateral air services agreements at   Air Transport Bureau, saw the ICAO
         stated. ICAO Council President Salvatore   the ICAO ICAN 2022.      ICAN as a remarkable success, with
         Sciacchitano stated that “the progressive   Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Senegal, Togo,   100 virtual participants from 60 states.
         resurgence of the air transport industry   Rwanda, South Africa among several   He tasked African states to implement
         is proceeding at a post-pandemic pace,”   other African States signed agreements   SAATM without hesitation, and assured of
         saying also that the agreements at the event   at the ICAO ICAN in Abuja, thereby   ICAO’s support, as he also urged states to
         would add to the recovery’s momentum.  weaving the foreground of air transport   digitally register all air services agreements
           Further, “Multilateralism and the work   liberalisation which is expected to create   with ICAO.
         embarked on here continue to be essential   dozens of city-pairs and points-beyond   Olumuyiwa Benerd Aliu, immediate-
         to global success,” he added, “and to the   in Africa from 2023. Representatives of   past President of ICAO Council, enjoined
         restoration of global travel, trade and   Zambia at the ICAO ICAN expressed   African States to make a difference with the
         tourism capacity in all world regions.”  excitement signing with Benin Republic,   new beginning of SAATM implementation
           For Africa, the event was a platform to   and expect to sign with more African   to interconnect African cities and stir up
         deepen its liberalisation, interconnectivity   states. This pervasive high-spirits   Africa’s economies.
         and integration of various parts of the   and conviction over the benefits of
         continent. It was an opportunity to   harmonized air transport market   SAATM PIP RIDES
         enthrone SAATM-compliant Multilateral   in Africa enveloped the air services   ON ICAO ICAN
         Air Services Agreements (MASAs)   negotiation conference in Abuja. Nigeria’s   On the sidelines of the ICAO ICAN 2022,
         and effectively eliminate the Bilateral   President, Muhammadu Buhari, assured   AFCAC delivered a powerful workshop
         Air Services Agreements (BASAs) that   ICAO and AFCAC of Nigeria’s resolve to   showcasing the thrust and benefits
         are prohibitive to market access and   support SAATM and Africa’s integration.   of the SAATM and the SAATM Pilot
         liberalisation within Africa.       Hadi Sirika, Minister of Transport of   Implementation Project (PIP) to African
           To fast-track the achievement of SAATM   Nigeria, said “we will further strengthen our   and global audience and partners. Adefunke
         and liberalisation in Africa, the African   resolve to implement SAATM in line with   Adeyemi, AFCAC’s Secretary General,
         Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC)   AU Agenda 2063.”                explained that there is a framework to

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