Page 11 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 11


                The turning point for

                    AIR CARGO

                       From the Yamoussoukro Decision (YD) of 1999 to the Single African Air
                     Transport Market (SAATM) of 2018, countries in the African continent have
                   gone through years of hard work and negotiations facing several challenges to
                    liberalise the continent’s air transport. It looks like the African sky is going to
                                  be much more open. Roy Ezze checks the tailwind.

                frica closed out 2022 with                                   Africa for African airlines, and for the
                remarkable achievements                                      benefit of Africa’s economy.
                in driving air transport                                        Liberalisation in Africa had continually
         Aliberalisation, harmonisation of                                   stalled since the concept was established
         air services agreements and harmonisation                           by Africa’s top political leaders as a
         of air transport economic regulation. This                          Declaration in 1988, which was firmed
         unprecedented turn-of-events has raised                             up as the Yamoussoukro Decision (YD)
         strong hopes across the continent and                               in 1999. Africa has painstakingly rejigged
         viewed as a prelude to more outstanding                             the YD liberalisation framework under a
         achievements in air transport liberalisation                        new implementation mechanism called
         and aviation development in 2023.                                   the Single African Air Transport Market
           Africa has in recent years sought to                                 (SAATM) which was launched by
         establish a workable and updated                                           the African Union (AU) in
         framework to actualise                                                         January 2018 in Addis
         unfettered air transport                                                           Ababa. Towards
         market access within                                                               the end of 2022,

          JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023                                                                          LUA 9
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