Page 13 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 13

SAATM. The world now looks forward to   Essentially, air cargo which is poorly
                                           liberalisation of air transport in Africa.   developed in Africa will permeate Africa
                                             Based on the experience of the   along new routes, city-pairs and points-
                                           European Union (EU) on liberalisation,   beyond expected which would be created
                                           Peter Bombay, representative of the EU   by ongoing liberalisation efforts and
                                           at ICAO, encouraged Africa to begin   multilateral air services agreements within
                                           implementation of SAATM with few states   Africa. The ongoing liberalisation efforts
                                           in the pilot project, while others join in over   are expected to produce 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th
                                           the coming years. This view was one of the   and 9th Freedom markets in parts of Africa
                                           most remarkable outcomes of the SAATM   which would drive movement of increased
                                           workshop in Abuja.                cargo within the continent or at least the
                                                                             SAATM Pilot states.
                                           AFRICA’S AIR CARGO GETS              In fact, RwandAir said it is giving special
                                           NEW TAILWIND                      offers for air cargo shippers as the airline
                                           Air cargo is a major thrust and   recently set up its cargo arm. There is strong
                                           beneficiary of SAATM liberalisation and   expectation that new cargo-only airlines
                                           interconnectivity in Africa, and delegates   would emerge, attracted by Africa’s current
                                           at the air services event emphasized the   liberalisation and MASAs regime in Africa.
                                           essence of cargo and interconnectivity.   At the moment, Africa’s air cargo
                                             While cargo was the bulwark for many   is driven by few excellent players like
                                           airlines during the Covid-19 pandemic and   Allied Air based in Lagos, Nigeria,
                                           airlines converted their passenger aircraft to   which is the largest cargo-only carrier
                                           ‘preighters’, cargo is set again to lift airlines   in West and Central Africa; as well
                                           in Africa from the nadir of their existence.   as Astral Aviation based in Nairobi,
         engage and elicit concrete implementation   Africa still contributes only 1.9% of global   Kenya, alongside bigger African airlines
         of SAATM, which begins with AFCAC   cargo, according to IATA’s report in January   including Ethiopian Airlines Cargo and
         engaging the highest level of government,   2023. Many expect Africa’s negligible cargo   Kenya Airways Cargo.
         the ministers and regulators, operators and   share to significantly increase over the   Yet most of Africa’s cargo is carried
         support stakeholders, including non-core   next 3-5 years on the back of liberalisation   by foreign carriers mainly from the
         aviation economic sectors such as finance,   and improved air       Middle East and Europe. While Saudi
         immigration, national planning, interior,   interconnectivity       Arabia spoke enthusiastically about the
         export and import ministries, and others.   in Africa.               groundswell of improvement in cargo
           So far, 19 willing states have                                       and 7th freedom in the state, the
         joined the SAATM PIP                                                    Minister of Transport emphasized the
         programme, while 36                                                      importance of embracing the new
         states have signed for                                                    cargo market in Africa.
            Adefunke                                                                TO CUT EMISSIONS
             AFCAC’s                                                                 As 2023 kicks off, the
            Secretary                                                                establishment of new city-pairs
          General with                                                                 and points-beyond in Africa
           Carla Iorio
          of European                                                                      would not only rev up
         Union Aviation                                                                      cargo movement,
         Safety Agency
             (EASA)                                                                           but would also
                                                                                              shorten flight
                                                                                               duration generally
                                                                                               in Africa, thereby
                                                                                               cutting down
                                                                                                on emissions
                                                                                                that ensue from
                                                                                                unnecessary long
                                                                                                flights normally
                                                                                                 embarked on just
                                                                                                 to interconnect
                                                                                                 adjacent cities
                                                                                                 in Africa.

          JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023                                                                          LUA 11
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