Page 15 - LUA January - February 2023 Magazine
P. 15

Council, Jeroen van der Hulst, Owner and
         Founder, FlowerWatch and Parit Shah, the
         owner of Silpack Industries Limited and
         Daniel Sepetu, DGM, East Africa Cluster,
         CMA CGM.
           The first-panel discussion was on 'The
         new normal for flower shippers of Africa
         after the pandemic".
           Kenya Airports Authority’s (KAA)
         commercial manager, Cargo, Jacob Bwana
         spoke about the new normal for flowers   (From L-R) Roland Weil, Frankfurt Airport; Faith Ambajo, Amiran Kenya; Sanjeev Gadhia, Astral Aviation;
         and on freight moving to the sea and said,   Jacob Bwana, Kenya Airports Authority; Ken Mbogo, Saudi Airlines Cargo Company at the panel discussion
         “The value proposition for air freight
         remains flexibility, sustainability and
         resilient supply chains as it can deliver on
         cost, quality, and speed. If there is visibility
         and traceability from end to end, which
         air freight does then it still takes the center
         stage when it comes to the speed value
         proposition that it has. I do not foresee a
         future where that will drastically change. ”
           Homing in on the numerous freighter
         conversions going on globally, Roland
         Weil, VP –  Sales, Cargo, Frankfurt Airport
         said that capacity will likely return and
         the market will battle for low-yield cargo
         commodities where perishables can
         hold sway. He said, “We are seeing a new
         generation of freighter aircraft coming into   (From L-R) Matthieu Serafimoff,  Aviapartner Cargo NV;  Racheal Ndegwa, Swissport Kenya; Chagema Kedera,
         the market like Boeing 777 and 300 ERs,   COLEACP Kenya; Benny Smets, Ninatrans at the panel discussion
         A330s that are being converted and will
         enter the market late next year, so there is
         a massive capacity coming into the market.                          to streamline the delivery process to their
         Most of them will be replacing the ageing                           warehouse and about the Flower Corridor
         747 fleets and it will be a tradeoff owing to                       launched in November 2022, Racheal
         similar capacity.”                                                  Ndegwa, CEO at Swissport Kenya said,
           Ken Mbogo, Regional Sales Director                                “A way of supporting shippers is how fast
         Africa at Saudi Airlines Cargo Company                              we can ensure the acceptance process of
         said, “To get the freighter capacity back                           shipments and we have automated that
         for the perishables, the perishable rates                           process and it is still going on the cargo kiosk
         or the flower rates have to up their game                           in such a way that the shipper can actually do
         and compete with e-commerce and other                               part of the process rather than keeping them
         products from Asia Pacific, etc, so it's   The value                waiting. The idea of the ‘Flower Corridor
         really a question of whether we have the                            initiative’ is to create flower links similar to
         right freight rates selling in the market,   proposition            pharma and it works for this market and we
         and perhaps then we can attract the       for air freight           need to look at traffic on both ends. We are
         capacity back.”                                                     working with Swissport Liege and Brussels
           The second panel deliberated on         remains flexibility,      (teams) around rolling out this flower
         the topic, "Can airport community         sustainability, and       corridor on the other side.”
         collaboration eliminate weak links, resort                             Batting for digitization for better
         in a more efficient fresh corridor with   resilient supply          communication and synergy among flower
         digitization as the ultra-enabler?' and   chains as it can          trade stakeholders, Chagema Kedera,
         highlighted how airports can anchor and   deliver on cost,          Programme Coordinator at COLEACP
         create cargo communities that will enable                           Kenya said, “COLEACP is an association
         collaboration across the value chain and   quality, and speed.      that brings together exporters from ACP
         offer value additions to shippers.                   JACOB BWANA    countries and importers in Europe. Whether
           Talking about how Swissport works           KENYA AIRPORTS AUTHORITY  you are talking about production, processing
         with the shippers and trucking community                            shopping, market, or market compliance

          JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2023                                                                          LUA 13
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