Page 19 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 19

Ndeti adds western Uganda as well to
                                                                             the list. “There is a lot of fresh produce,
                                                                             including avocados and french beans,
                                                                             and fresh cut flowers getting exported
                                                                             from western Uganda which is close to
                                                                             the border with Rwanda. These are very
                                                                             fertile lands like Rwanda itself. It is easier
                                                                             for them to bring it to Kigali rather than
                                                                             taking it to Entebbe International Airport
                                                                             in Kampala,” he said.
                                                  DRC imports through           He also pointed out that there are a lot
                                                  Rwanda as well. They       of fish from Lake Tanganyika in Burundi
                                                  land in Kigali Airport     and minerals from the DRC need to be
                                                                             processed and exported. But it is not just
                                                  and are trucked via        about exports. There is a lot on the import
                                                  road to Bukavu border      side as well.
                                                                                “DRC imports through Rwanda as well.
                                                  because most of the        They land in Kigali Airport and are trucked
                                                  cities in the DRC are      via road to Bukavu border because most of
                                                  inaccessible due to        the cities in the DRC are inaccessible due to
                                                  the roads and security     the roads and security situations,” he said.
                                                                                “I would confirm that Rwanda is
                                                  situations.                becoming the hub. That's why they need to

                                                          NICODEMUS NDETI    expand the airport. There is a need to bring
                                                                 G5 LOGISTICS  in more aircraft as well,” he added.
                                                                                To transform Rwanda into a regional
                                           they do not observe cold chain processes.   hub, air cargo infrastructure is not
                                           That's why they are missing out in the   enough. The country also needs to focus
                                           market,” he said.                 on other transport capabilities including
                                             Amidst these challenges and the   cold chain, rail and road, particularly
                                           need for improvement, the question   by keeping the producers and end
                                           is whether Rwanda could transform   consumers in mind.
                                           itself as a regional logistics hub for the   As Izabayo puts it, “AGL is investing
                                           continent and the answer is yes from   in the logistics platform for freight
                                           most of the stakeholders.         consolidation, palletisation, cold chain
                                             For instance, Izabayo believes that   storage, to provide upstream and
                                           the region's airfreight hub and freighter   downstream logistics solutions for the
                                           capacity development with Rwandair will be   cargo passing through the Kigali hub. Our
                                           realised through the new Bugesera Airport.   integrated offering includes pick and pack,
                                             “The country’s clear vision on the   ready-to-eat packaging, and distribution.
                                           logistics sector, such as the Kigali   Key inland cargo freight stations at Isaka
                                           Logistics Platform and the Kigali Special   (Tanzania) and Naivasha (Kenya) will be
                                           Economic Zone are cornerstones to the   leveraged to provide rail-road solutions
         even in remote areas. They have now   development of hub solutions for the   for Rwanda cargo. Being close to shipping
         understood the importance of using   region and beyond,” she said.    lines will greatly help better manage the
         refrigerated trucks to transport vegetables   “The new Bugesera Airport offers   containers detention for the inbound and
         and fresh produce,” he said.      options for road-air cargo from   outbound freight”.
           He considers himself a pioneer   neighbouring countries being consolidated   Rwanda is a natural logistics gateway
         in executing end-to-end cold chain   in Kigali and airlifted to all over the world.   for the central and eastern African
         operations in the country with a   AGL in partnership with other stakeholders   continent, even though it is landlocked.
         particular example of moving perishables   will develop consolidation platforms in   Both the government and the foreign
         from Rwanda to the Netherlands via   this regard, especially for perishables and   investors seem committed to leveraging
         air. He points out that there are plenty   temperature-controlled cargo,” she added.   this position with investments into the
         of opportunities in agriculture because   For example, the cargo from Burundi to   new airport, dry ports, cold rooms, reefer
         of the growing production of avocados,   Rwanda via road could be exported through   trucks and refrigerated containers. While
         fresh-cut flowers and french beans.  Bugesera or Kigali Airport. Logistics   the country and its investors are on the
           “Post-harvest handling is lowering the   companies are also targeting the cargo from   right track to address the shortcomings,
         quality of these fresh produce because   Goma and Bukavu cities of the DRC.   there is a long way to go.

          SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2024                                                                         LUA 17
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