Page 14 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 14


           Tower Cold Chain specialises in
         temperature-controlled packaging
         solutions for the pharmaceutical,
         biotech, and life sciences sectors.
         The company operates two hubs in
         Africa, located in Port Elizabeth and
         Johannesburg. The company is also
         currently working with 3PL (third-party
         logistics) providers in Africa to extend
         its capabilities in the region.
           “Apak Packaging has designed its cold
         chain packaging solutions specifically
         to tackle the challenges posed by the
         African market. Our products, such as
         insulated boxes, pouches, and pallet
         covers, are engineered to maintain the
         thermal integrity of perishable and
         pharmaceutical goods, even under the
         most extreme conditions, our range of
         containers are also validated to WHO
         standards,” adds Pinto of
         Apak Packaging.

         The African cold chain logistics market
         is expected to be worth $10.88 billion in                           SECTOR-SPECIFIC
         2024, according to Mordor Intelligence. The                         APPLICATIONS
         market is expected to grow at a compound                            Cold chain packaging solutions in Africa
         annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.28 per cent                          are making significant impacts across
         to reach $14.85 billion by 2029.                                    various industries, with pharmaceuticals
           Some factors that are driving the                                 and perishable goods at the forefront. In the
         growth of the cold chain market in                                  pharmaceutical sector, these technologies
         Africa include growing demand for                                   are crucial for maintaining the efficacy of
         perishable products, rapid delivery                                 vaccines, insulin, and other temperature-
         requirements for food and beverage       We’re deeply               sensitive medications, especially in remote
         delivery, increasing consumption of                                 areas with unreliable power supplies.
         processed and frozen foods, and a rise in   committed to            The Covid-19 pandemic has further
         disposable income.                       sustainability. Our        underscored the importance of robust cold
           In terms of packaging solutions,       solutions are designed     chain solutions for vaccine distribution.
         there's a trend towards more sustainable                               “Our Releye container range, for example,
         and cost-effective options. Reusable     not just to protect the    is a great illustration of how we push the
         thermal packaging systems are gaining    efficacy of medicines      boundaries when it comes to innovation.
         popularity, offering a balance between   but also to minimise       We’ve secured multiple patents for its
         performance and environmental                                       advanced technical features. These include
         responsibility. These systems often      environmental impact.      cutting-edge innovations such as frost
         utilise high-performance insulation             NIKLAS ADAMSSON     protection, which prevents ice accumulation
         materials and phase change materials                   ENVIROTAINER  that could otherwise compromise the
         (PCMs) to maintain stable temperatures                              container’s efficiency, and a unique airflow
         for extended periods.                                               distribution system that creates an even
           Another notable development is the   including temperature and humidity,   climate throughout the container. This
         increasing adoption of smart packaging   even in extreme environments. Our real-  prevents hot or cold spots, which are critical
         solutions. These incorporate sensors and data   time monitoring and IoT capabilities   for maintaining the stability of temperature-
         loggers to provide real-time monitoring of   allow us to quickly detect and respond   sensitive pharmaceuticals,” says Adamsson
         temperature conditions during transit.  to issues as soon as possible, helping to   of Envirotainer.
           “Our solutions are designed to   minimise disruptions,” says Adamsson    Simultaneously, in the perishable goods
         maintain precise internal conditions,   of Envirotainer.            sector, advanced packaging is playing a

       12 LUA                                                                            SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2024
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