Page 20 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 20


         The Future of



         The path to eco-friendly logistics in Africa is complex but full of   highlighted the infrastructure challenges
         potential. As a continent on the rise, Africa has the opportunity to   faced by companies trying to implement
                                                                             green logistics in Africa, stating, "To
         build a logistics sector that is not only efficient and competitive   have a fleet of green vehicles in Africa,
         but also sustainable and inclusive, reports Nehal Gautam.           one would require the availability
                                                                             of charging stations. Likewise, ports
                s the global focus on      international support to foster a more   would need to invest in, such as biofuel
                sustainability intensifies, the   inclusive and sustainable future. This could   charging stations."
                logistics industry in Africa   be crucial in addressing the barriers to   Another crucial barrier is the higher
         Astands at a crucial juncture.    green logistics.                  initial cost associated with green
         The continent, with its vast landscapes   One of the most significant barriers   technologies. Many businesses in Africa,
         and rapidly growing economies, presents   to the widespread adoption of green   especially small and medium enterprises,
         both unique challenges and opportunities   logistics in Africa is the lack of adequate   find it difficult to justify the upfront
         for implementing eco-friendly logistics   infrastructure. Many African countries   investment in eco-friendly vehicles or
         practices. According to the IMF’s Regional   still struggle with poor road networks,   renewable energy systems, even if they
         Economic Outlook for Sub-Saharan Africa   limited rail systems, and underdeveloped   offer long-term savings. Elaborating
         (April 2024), economic growth in the   ports, making it challenging to   on the same, Esha Mansingh, Head of
         region is set to improve from 3.8% in 2024,   implement efficient and environmentally   Corporate Affairs & Sustainability: sub-
         with a projected rise to 4.0% by 2025. The   friendly logistics solutions.  Saharan Africa at DP World, mentioned,
         report also highlighted that sub-Saharan   Jean-Baptiste Rambaud, Air and   "The adoption of green logistics also
         African countries will need additional   Ocean Leader IMEA, CEVA Logistics   requires significant upfront investment

       18 LUA                                                                            SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2024
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