Page 16 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 16


         Landlocked to linked

         RWANDA'S BID

         TO CONNECT


               Be it the fish from Lake Tanganyika of Burundi or minerals       A cabinet meeting of the Rwandan
               crossing via the Bukavu border of DRC or the fresh-cut flowers   government held on August 23, 2024,
                                                                             approved the second National Strategy for
               from western Uganda, Rwanda has the true potential to be      Transformation (NST2, 2024-2029), part of
               the hub for all of them. However, the country has a long way   the larger Vision 2050 and a continuation
               to go in terms of cold chain, air cargo, road, customs and rail   of the 7-year NST1 implemented from
                                                                             2017 to 2024. The five-year strategy seeks
               infrastructure, reports Libin Chacko Kurian.                  to transform Rwanda by achieving 14
                                                                             goals including the doubling of private
                    wanda cannot survive if we                               investment from $2.2 billion in 2023 to
                    do not integrate into the                                $4.6 billion by 2029 and promoting local
                    regional and continental                                 products and industrial growth.
        “Reconomic market. That's                                               “Export levels are projected to more than
         why Rwanda is a member of the East African                          double from $3.5 billion to $7.3 billion,
         Community customs union, and the African                            fueled by key sectors like agriculture,
         Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).”                              agro-processing, and mining focusing on
           These are the words of Rwanda’s Minister                          value-added exports. Rwanda will become
         of Trade and Industry Prudence Sebahizi.                            a hub for high-quality, locally-made goods
         He was speaking at the High-Level Forum   Rwanda lacks cold         that boost our economy and create jobs,”
         on Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships 2024                              the release reads.
         held in Bali, Indonesia in the first week of   chain infrastructure    According to the Observatory of
         September 2024.                          from the production        Economic Complexity, the top exports
           “And by doing so, we are given access   site to even the airport.   of Rwanda are gold, tin ores, coffee, malt
         to a continental market of more than 1.4                            extract and niobium, tantalum, vanadium
         billion people and more than $3.4 trillion   Truckers move fruits   and zirconium ore, exported mostly to
         GDP,” he added.                          upcountry and by the       the United Arab Emirates, Democratic
           Being a small country landlocked in    time they reach Kigali,    Republic of the Congo, Thailand, United
         Africa with a population of just 13 million                         States, and Ethiopia. The perishable exports
         people, this gives an opportunity for    some will be expired.      are also growing from the country which
         Rwanda. As the minister puts it, “To focus   BLAIR ROBERT AYESIGA   requires more air cargo capacity and a
         on improving the business environment for    ASSOCIATION OF CROSS BORDER  robust cold chain infrastructure.
         big companies to come, establish and make           TRADERS RWANDA     One of the biggest challenges for
         our country a production and distribution                           Rwanda and its exporters is the geography
         hub for the rest of the continent.” Thus   development of 8 percent over the last   of the country. Rwanda is famously known
         Rwanda has plans not only to survive but   10 years and is now projecting to achieve   as the "Land of a Thousand Hills" due to its
         also thrive and make it a logistics hub for   steady growth of 9.3 percent over the   landscape of hills and valleys. In the western
         the entire East and Central African region.   next five years. In fact, Rwanda aspires to   and central parts of the country, the terrain
           According to Sebahizi, Rwanda has   become a middle-income country by 2035   consists of steep slopes and mountainous
         been progressing with an average economic   and a high-income country by 2050.   regions. Rwanda is also landlocked and

       14 LUA                                                                            SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2024
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