Page 18 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 18


                The country’s clear
                vision on the logistics
                sector, such as the
                Kigali Logistics
                Platform and the Kigali
                Special Economic Zone
                are cornerstones to the
                development of hub
                solutions for the region
                and beyond.

                         MYRIAM IZABAYO
                      AFRICA GLOBAL LOGISTICS

         Rwandair will boost the export volumes
         from Rwanda but she also informed that
         shipping lines such as MSC are increasing
         their capacity from Rwanda and get
         positioned for exports, especially the reefer
         containers and food grade containers.
           In April 2024, AGL Rwanda announced
         the extension of its logistics warehouse
         located within the Kigali Special Economic
         Zone (KSEZ) by 5,000 sqm, offering a total
         space of 21,000 sqm for bonded and non
         bonded facilities, with an investment of
         $10 million. Izabayo also informed that
         the facility will have dedicated cold chain
         capabilities for perishables.
           According to Izabayo, AGL, which is
         an MSC subsidiary, is the leading logistics
         player in Rwanda with predominant market   We are also into the movements of   Truckers move fruits upcountry and by
         shares in various verticals and corridors   perishable goods and are expanding in   the time they reach Kigali, some will be
         both sea and air import and export, and   all these commodities. We are witnessing   expired,” he said.
         handles more than 700 TEUs in Rwanda   increased demand from Europe, Asia and   Originally from Kenya and with 20
         every month in a very diversified value   even the American market. For instance,   years of experience in the supply chain,
         chain to their customers.         avocados from Rwanda have high    Nicodemus Ndeti, Chairman & Chief
           “We are both into import and export   demand in these markets.”   Executive Officer of G5 Logistics, is
         by road, sea, rail and air freight. We also   Meanwhile, Ayesiga points out that the   somebody who understood this gap in the
         have the bonded and non-bonded capacity   elephant in the room for to the Rwandan   Rwandan logistics landscape and started his
         which contribute to our leading position on   supply chains is the cold chain infrastructure.   company in the country in 2022 and shifted
         the market,” she added.           He said that 30 to 40 percent of perishables   his base to Kigali from Kenya.
           Talking about the commodities AGL   produced in the country are wasted due to   “When I first came to Rwanda, there
         Rwanda handles, she said, “Coffee and   the lack of cold storage and reefer trucks.   were no cold rooms. There was only one
         tea take the biggest portion. For coffee,   “Rwanda lacks cold chain infrastructure   at the airport and now investors have
         we represent 40 percent of the market.   from the production site to even the airport.   started coming in, setting up cold rooms

       16 LUA                                                                            SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2024
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