Page 22 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 22


         logistics. We will also likely see more                             create a truly supportive environment
         public-private partnerships focused                                 for green logistics.
         on developing sustainable logistics                                    Moreover, technology is also set to play
         solutions, from cleaner transportation                              a pivotal role in accelerating the transition
         options to advanced waste management                                to sustainable logistics in Africa. From
         systems. These partnerships will help                               route optimisation software that reduces
         bridge the gap between policy goals and                             fuel consumption to blockchain solutions
         practical implementation."                                          that enhance supply chain transparency,
           Highlighting the importance of                                    technological innovations are reshaping
         financial incentives, she added, "Offering   A closer               the logistics landscape.
         financial support – such as tax breaks,   collaboration with           For instance, DP World partnered with
         grants or low-interest loans – is another   the private sector      Woolworths, a retail company in South
         way that governments can encourage                                  Africa to launch Africa's first refrigeration
         businesses to invest in green logistics.   and local green          trailer featuring revolutionary AxlePower
         These incentives can help offset the     tech start-ups             technology, which reduces carbon
         initial costs of adopting sustainable    that understand            emissions by using kinetic energy from
         practices and make them more accessible                             braking to power the refrigerator.
         to a wider range of companies."          the bespoke                   The Internet of Things (IoT) and
           Some countries are already taking      environment usually        artificial intelligence (AI) are also making
         steps in this direction. For instance,    creates a healthy         significant inroads in African logistics.
         the Kenyan government proposed a                                    These technologies enable real-time
         Finance Bill 2024 that would impose      environment for            tracking and monitoring of shipments,
         a value-added tax (VAT) on electric      green logistics to         leading to more efficient use of resources
         vehicles (EVs), buses, and lithium-ion   take off.                  and reduced waste. Emphasising the role
         batteries including solar-powered ones.                             of technology in driving sustainability,
         However, more comprehensive and            JEAN-BAPTISTE RAMBAUD    Rambaud of CEVA Logistics mentioned,
                                                               CEVA LOGISTICS
         continent-wide policies are needed to                               "Most of the new technologies have an
       20 LUA                                                                            SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2024
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