Page 15 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 15

Envirotainer is leading the way in
                                                                             providing cutting-edge solutions for the
                                                                             transportation of sensitive products like
                                                                             cell and gene therapies.
                                                                                “For extremely sensitive products
                                                                             like cell and gene therapies, we
                                                                             provide cryogenic solutions capable
                                                                             of maintaining stable temperatures as
                                                  Tower Cold Chain’s         low as -150°C for up to 35 days. These
                                                  approach to developing     technologies feature advanced insulation
                                                  innovative products is     and multi-layer systems that protect
                                                                             against external influences, maintaining
                                                  based on a series of       the integrity of these vital therapies
            Envirotainer's temperature-controlled  existing and pending      throughout their journey,” states
           air freight containers                                            Adamsson of Envirotainer.
                                                  patents, applicable
         key role in tackling the significant issue of
         post-harvest losses, which can reach up   across multiple           WHAT IS THE FUTURE
         to 50 per cent for certain crops in some   regions.                 OUTLOOK?
         African countries. This challenge was also                          “The future of cold chain packaging
         highlighted by Patricia Koech, Commercial          NIALL BALFOUR    in Africa is likely to be shaped by the
         Manager, Cold Solutions Kenya, during              TOWER COLD CHAIN   increasing adoption of technology and
         the Flower Logistics Africa (FLA) and                               a growing emphasis on sustainability.
         Perishable Logistics Africa (PLA) 2024   sensitive goods is patented for its modular   As the African market continues to
         event in Nairobi Kenya, organised by   construction, which includes a plurality of   expand, there will be a greater demand
         Logistics Update Africa. Speaking on the   thermally insulated container sections and   for smart packaging solutions that
         panel discussion "Future of perishable   means for fixing these sections together,”   incorporate real-time monitoring and
         logistics through cold chain & packaging   says Balfour of Tower Cold Chain.  data analytics to ensure the safety and
         innovations," she noted that food loss in the   “Our KTEvolution container has a   quality of perishable goods throughout
         Kenyan market is estimated to be between   patent pending harness design which   the supply chain. There is a clear trend
         40-60 per cent. By extending shelf life and   allows the lid to be retained acting as   toward more sustainable packaging
         maintaining quality, cold chain packaging   a hinge but having a minimal effect   solutions. With the global push for
         is enabling farmers, fisheries, and dairy   on size. The harness also incorporates   reducing environmental impact, African
         producers to access broader markets, reduce   lifting handles and a very positive   companies will increasingly seek out
         waste, and improve food security.   closure system, without adding to the   packaging materials that are not only
           Cold Solutions Kenya is also setting up   external volume. The positive closure   effective in maintaining temperature but
         satellite cold chain facilities at the farmgate   system incorporating weatherproof,   also eco-friendly. This includes the use
         level across Kenyan counties to reduce food   airtight seals, also means that the units   of biodegradable or recyclable materials
         losses and support farmers, says Koech.  perform even when placed on their sides   and the reduction of overall packaging
           Innovations from the demanding   regardless of orientation.”      waste. At Apak Packaging, we are
         needs of pharmaceutical logistics often   Environmental concerns are also driving   committed to staying at the forefront of
         apply to food transport, and vice versa,   the adoption of biodegradable insulation   these trends by continuously innovating
         leading to versatile, cost-effective   materials and recyclable outer packaging,   our products to meet the evolving needs
         solutions for Africa's unique challenges.  making sustainable solutions increasingly   of the African cold chain sector,” says
                                           common in the African market.     Pinto of Apak Packaging.
         INNOVATIONS IN MATERIALS            “Our products are designed with    The journey towards comprehensive
         AND DESIGN                        flexibility in mind, allowing them to perform   and efficient cold chain packaging
         Recent years have witnessed significant   reliably in any part of Africa. The materials   solutions in Africa is ongoing, but the
         advancements in the materials and design of   we use are selected for their high thermal   progress made thus far is promising. As
         cold-chain packaging solutions. Advanced   resistance and ability to maintain the   stakeholders from government, industry,
         insulation materials, such as vacuum   required temperatures for extended periods.   and international organisations continue
         insulated panels (VIPs) and aerogels, are   By continuously refining our designs and   to collaborate, the outlook for cold chain
         being integrated into packaging designs,   incorporating feedback from our clients, we   packaging in Africa remains positive,
         offering superior insulation properties while   ensure that our packaging solutions meet   with the potential to drive significant
         reducing weight and thickness.    the highest standards of performance and   improvements in health outcomes, food
           “The Tower KTM thermally insulated   reliability, no matter the external conditions,”   security, and economic growth across
         container for transporting temperature   says Pinto of Apak Packaging.  the continent.

          SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2024                                                                         LUA 13
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