Page 23 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 23

excess transportation, which, in turn,   to develop a more sustainable system
                                           lowers emissions."                of infrastructure from the ground up,
                                             Looking ahead, the future of green   instead of modernising existing systems."
                                           logistics in Africa appears promising,   Mansingh further shared her vision
                                           but with challenges. The continent's   for the future of green logistics in the
                                           rapid economic growth, coupled with   continent by adding, "As innovation and
                                           increasing environmental awareness, is   investment expands, we can expect to
         embedded objective to deliver in some   expected to drive significant changes   see more widespread adoption of digital
         way or a form towards sustainability   in the logistics sector over the next few   technologies for data-driven efficiency
         objectives. Once these types of technology   years. Many industry players predict   improvements, greener transition fuels
         are adopted in full or as a hybrid,   a surge in EV adoption for last-mile   including gas and biofuels, and greener
         companies and communities can start   deliveries in African cities, increased   technologies across the logistics sector.
         yielding results."                use of renewable energy in warehouses   Over time, EVs are likely to become
           Mansingh of DP World, further   and distribution centres, and more   more common, particularly in major city
         elaborating on the potential of AI   efficient cross-border logistics enabled   centres, as battery technology improves
         in optimising supply chains, stated,   by improved regional cooperation.  and charging infrastructure expands.
         "Advanced technologies such as AI   Providing insights into the future   The use of renewable energy sources,
         and machine learning can be used to   of sustainable logistics in Africa,   such as solar and wind, will become
         optimise supply chains, making them   Rambaud noted, "It will be a gradual   more integrated into logistics operations,
         more efficient and reducing waste. For   process. The economic activity of   reducing the sector's carbon footprint."
         example, AI can predict demand more   countries in Africa is often dependent   Overall, it is important to note that the
         accurately, leading to better inventory   on their level of infrastructure. The   path to eco-friendly logistics in Africa is
         management and reducing the need for   opportunity is available in many places   complex but full of potential. As a continent
                                                                             on the rise, Africa has the opportunity
                                                                             to build a logistics sector that is not
                                                                             only efficient and competitive but also
                                                                             sustainable and inclusive. The challenges
                                                                             are significant, from infrastructure gaps
                                                                             to financial constraints, but so are the
                                                                             opportunities. With continued investment,
                                                                             innovation, and collaboration, Africa
                                                                             could well become a global leader in
                                                                             green logistics, setting new standards for
                                                                             sustainability in the industry.

          SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2024                                                                         LUA 21
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