Page 10 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 10


         as adaptable charter operations to address   ensuring the safe and timely delivery of   a crucial role in establishing the Federation
         operational and logistical challenges in   vital medicines across the continent.  of African Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
         Africa. They also use specialised equipment   Etihad Cargo collaborates with   Associations (FAPMA) in 2013. FAPMA
         for temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals   pharmaceutical companies, governments,   serves as a unified voice for pharmaceutical
         and work closely with local handlers to   and stakeholders to develop tailored   manufacturers across the African continent.
         ensure safe and efficient delivery, even in   solutions for transporting temperature-  UNIDO is collaborating with
         challenging environments.         sensitive and high-value medicines in   stakeholders in the public and private
           Furthermore, Etihad Cargo utilises   challenging environments in Africa.   sectors to support the development of
         advanced technologies to maintain   Now, the question is: How important are   Africa's pharmaceutical manufacturing
         the integrity of temperature-sensitive   public-private partnerships in Africa's   and logistics capabilities. One of their
         pharmaceuticals during air transport.   pharma logistics?           initiatives, funded by the German Federal
         This includes state-of-the-art cool chain                           Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
         facilities at Zayed International Airport,   IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC-  Development, aims to enhance
         designed to uphold strict temperature   PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS        African production of vaccines
         controls throughout shipping. They also use   Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are   and essential medicines through
         specialised equipment like cool dollies to   instrumental in advancing pharmaceutical   technology transfer and
         ensure an uninterrupted cold chain during   manufacturing and logistics in Africa. By   investment partnerships.
         ground handling.                  combining the strengths of both sectors,   Progress has been made
           Etihad Cargo ensures the safe delivery   PPPs drive innovation, investment, and   in engaging 11 African
         of temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals   capacity-building. These partnerships   manufacturing companies,
         through adaptable charter operations and   leverage public resources and infrastructure   showing promise for
         advanced tracking technology. In addition,   with private sector expertise, financing, and   participating in
         Miles stated, "We have over 4,000 healthcare   technological capabilities. This collaboration   technology
         professionals globally, giving us access to the   is essential for overcoming the challenges
         expertise and experience needed to ensure   faced by Africa's pharmaceutical industry, as
         operational excellence for our customers   stated by the UNIDO spokesperson.
         and the end users of our products—the   A key example is the successful PPP
         patients." Miles also mentioned that they   in South Africa, which has led to the
         have made significant investments in   development of vaccine manufacturing
         developing their technological offering to   capabilities through Biovac, thereby
         provide full transparency and real-time data   building local capacity and improving
         to their customers.               access to vaccines. Furthermore,
           "Not only do we receive real-time   new vaccine initiatives involving
         data at critical points, but we also   public-private collaborations
         use predictive analytics based on our   in countries like Nigeria
         extensive shipment history to alert us to   and Ghana are emerging,
         potential challenges before they arise.   strengthening the continent's
         What may seem like the fastest route,   pharmaceutical production
         for example, may not be the best choice   capabilities.
         when considering factors such as weather,   Local manufacturers
         strikes, and other unseen elements,"   benefit from partnerships
         added Miles.                      that provide access to
           While looking at the opportunity   advanced technologies
         poerspective, the Etihad spokesperson said   and improve supply
         the airline that operates flights to various   chain logistics. This
         destinations in Africa, such as Nairobi,   helps them meet global
         Johannesburg, Casablanca, Seychelles, and   quality standards,
         Cairo, is planning to introduce new routes   reduce reliance on imported
         in Kenya by December 2024 to meet the   medicines, and strengthen the
         increasing demand.                healthcare sector.
           The UAE-based airline is also     UNIDO plays a key role in
         investing in expanding its fleet and   fostering collaborations by connecting
         implementing advanced technologies   governments, private sectors,
         to improve pharmaceutical logistics   international and national development
         in Africa. These efforts include   organisations, and academia. For example,
         advanced tracking, data management,   UNIDO supported the formation of the
         and innovative packaging solutions to   Southern African Generic Medicines
         enhance reliability and transparency,   Association (SAGMA) in 2009 and played

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