Page 11 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 11

transfer projects. Additionally, technical                             The use of drone technology, particularly
         guidelines are being developed to promote                           by companies like Wingcopter, can
         best practices for technology transfer and                          potentially revolutionise the delivery of
         API production.                                                     medical supplies to remote and underserved
           UNIDO is also working on another                                  communities. By bypassing traditional
         project in Senegal to enhance the country's                         infrastructure challenges, drones offer a
         pharmaceutical sector with the support                              quick, reliable and cost-effective means of
         of German GIZ. The project aims to                                  transportation for essential medical supplies.
         assess companies' readiness, identify                               This innovation holds the promise of
         training needs, and strengthen local     Drone delivery             significantly improving access to healthcare
         pharmaceutical production to make                                   in regions that struggle with logistical and
         Senegal a regional hub for pharmaceutical   has rapidly gained      infrastructural limitations.
         manufacturing. Additionally, the project   traction in Africa's        "With the support of governments
         focuses on identifying priority molecules   pharmaceutical          and international organisations, drone
          and conducting feasibility assessments                             delivery networks can be set up to cover
           for active pharmaceutical ingredient   logistics, helping to      entire countries, ultimately reducing costs
             production in the country.           overcome significant       significantly. In any case, building the
                Despite these initiatives, African   infrastructure and      necessary ground-based infrastructure to
              pharmaceutical companies express                               achieve similar results in access to health
              concerns about collaborating with   logistical challenges.     for underserved communities would cost
                                                                             billions," said Thomas Dreiling, PR &
                                                          THOMAS DREILING    Communications Manager, Wingcopter.
                                                                                Dreiling added, "The Wingcopter 198
                                                                             can deliver urgently needed medical supplies
                                           government healthcare providers due to   within minutes, whereas ground-based
                                           issues such as corruption, bribery, tender   transport often requires several hours. We
                                           fraud, and late or no payments. This lack   thus reduce patients' waiting times and
                                           of confidence in government support   improve access to healthcare. In Malawi, we
                                            poses challenges for the pharmaceutical   have supplied remote villages with medical
                                              industry in Africa.            goods that had been cut off from the outside
                                                 But, this presents a great   world because of flooding, ensuring people
                                                opportunity for African      have access to health services at all."
                                                 governments to enhance         The Wingcopter 198 drone has a
                                                  their reputation and take   maximum range of 94 kilometres. Even
                                                   advantage of the growth   when carrying the maximum payload of 4.7
                                                    in the pharmaceutical    kilograms, it can cover a distance of over 70
                                                    sector, ultimately reducing   kilometres. Its quick-swap batteries minimise
                                                     international reliance.   idle time, allowing it to be back in the air
                                                     According to a spokesperson   within seconds. By setting up a network of
                                                      from Sun Pharma, African   battery swap stations, the drone's range could
                                                       governments can play a   be extended indefinitely. The Wingcopter
                                                        crucial role as this sector   can also operate in harsh weather conditions,
                                                         is poised for growth.   such as heavy wind or rain. In many parts
                                                         This could prove highly   of the world, this makes the Wingcopter
                                                         profitable for many of   superior to conventional delivery methods,
                                                        these companies, creating   especially in terms of speed and reliability.
                                                    value for themselves.       Africa's pharmaceutical logistics
                                                      Research indicates that not all   sector faces significant infrastructure
                                                   private companies are concerned   challenges, but growing investments,
                                                  about government support. In   innovative solutions like drone technology,
                                                 fact, some private organisations like   and public-private partnerships offer
                                                Wingcopter, a German aerospace   promising pathways for improvement.
                                              company specialising in drones,   Strengthening local manufacturing, cold-
                                             collaborate with government organisations   chain logistics, and regulatory frameworks
                                           to facilitate last-mile pharmaceutical delivery   is essential for Africa to reduce its
                                           in Africa. It also partners with district   dependence on imports and establish itself
                                           hospitals to store and collect pharmaceuticals   as a self-sufficient hub for pharmaceutical
                                           before the last-mile delivery.    production and distribution.

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