Page 9 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 9

The Partnership for Supply Chain
                                                                             Management has enhanced logistics
                                                                             capabilities, and UNIDO advocates for
                                                                             improving cold chain infrastructure
                                                                             and regulatory oversight for medicine
                                                                             distribution. However, further investment
                                                                             and innovation are needed for a resilient
                                                                             pharmaceutical logistics system, especially in
                                                                             regions with limited infrastructure.
                                                                                Adding to that, Kuehne+Nagel's Miles
                                                  Given Africa's sheer       said, "Envisioning a future with a larger
                                                  geographical spread        fleet of temperature-controlled vehicles and
                                                  and diversity, the first   more GDP and temperature-controlled
                                                  fundamental challenge      airport facilities, we can see the potential
                                                                             for significant improvements in healthcare
                                                  is dealing with the        delivery. While many countries are making
                                                  differing approaches       strides in modernising their technologies
                                                  to customs,                and infrastructure, there is still a need for
                                                                             further development to overcome the current
                                                  regulations, various       challenges in delivering healthcare products
                                                  levels of transport        across the continent."
                                                  infrastructure and         OFFERING SOLUTIONS TO
                                                  customs procedures,        OVERCOME CHALLENGES
                                                  which would affect         After gathering input from industry players,
                                                  any shipment moving        it's clear that Africa's pharma supply chain
                                                                             faces operational and infrastructural
                                                  cross-border.              challenges, such as securing permits and
                                                                             meeting fluctuating demand. However,
                                                              ROBIN MILES    Sanjeev Gadhia, the Founder and CEO of
                                                                             Astral Aviation, stated in an interview at the
                                                                             Flower and Perishable Logistics Africa 2024
           The spokesperson of the Indian   neighboring countries are a significant   event, "Every crisis is an opportunity." He
         multinational pharmaceutical company   problem. Consistency in the required   emphasised every crisis presents not only
         highlighted the challenges of inadequate   paperwork is frustrating. Costs are escalating   business opportunities but also opportunities
         infrastructure in Africa, particularly in   due to fuel prices," said the spokesperson of a   to contribute to and support society.
         its ports. Port congestion and other issues   South African pharmaceutical company.  In recent efforts to address the crisis in
         cause delays, even in the most developed   Africa's pharmaceutical logistics   the Democratic Republic of the Congo,
         ports such as those in South Africa. He   infrastructure, particularly in terms of   Astral Aviation, a Kenyan cargo airline,
         added that the company relies on air freight   warehousing and cold-chain logistics,   successfully delivered 14 tonnes of
         for 20% of its trade to Africa. However,   remains relatively underdeveloped,   emergency supplies for Mpox response with
         the lack of direct flights and the need for   although significant progress has been   support from the World Health Organisation
         trans-shipment complicate air and sea   made in the past two decades. Sun Pharma's   and Kuehne+Nagel. These supplies, delivered
         logistics between Asia and Africa, leading   spokesperson emphasised the urgent   in September 2024, are expected to serve
         to uncertainty and delays in pharmaceutical   need to improve port infrastructure and   16,800 people over three months, providing
         shipments to the continent.       infrastructure in countries, particularly in   essential care for healthcare workers battling
           "The infrastructure in many parts   terms of warehousing and logistics.  Mpox. Etihad Cargo has also played a
         of Africa is still developing, which can   UNIDO acknowledged the role of   significant role in improving healthcare
         hinder the efficiency and reliability of   funded initiatives, such as HIV/AIDS   in Africa by delivering over 810 tonnes of
         cross-border pharmaceutical deliveries.   treatment programs led by organisations   critical pharmaceuticals in the past year
         Proper planning and investment in   like PEPFAR (President's Emergency Plan   and a half, including support for the UAE
         infrastructure are essential to overcome   for AIDS Relief) and the Global Fund, in   Government's Mpox vaccine distribution
         these obstacles and ensure that the   strengthening health systems and building   across the continent. These efforts highlight
         desired service standards are consistently   local capacity for pharmaceutical logistics   the growing importance of air cargo in
         met," added Kemp.                 in Africa. These programs have contributed   ensuring timely and secure medicine
           Not only internationally, but also   to the improvement of infrastructure for   delivery in Africa.
         intracontinental shipments are a challenge   handling, storing, and distributing medicines   The UAE-based airline, Etihad Cargo,
         in Africa. "Delays at border crossings to   across the continent.   employs customer-focused strategies such

          SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2024                                                                         LUA 7
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