Page 7 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 7

devices, said a United Nations Industrial                           Clearly, the pandemic has profoundly
         Development Organisation (UNIDO)                                    impacted healthcare awareness, spending
         spokesperson in a recent interview with                             and pharmaceutical logistics; this view
         Logistics Update Africa.                                            is consistent across the entire pharma
           In low-income countries, only 50% of                              logistics supply chain. In fact, "The
         the population has access to the medicines                          pandemic has not only heightened
         needed for a healthy and productive                                 awareness of healthcare but has also
         life. Improving access to medicines and                             strained resources and led to backlogs due
         other health products in developing                                 to lockdowns and pauses in non-COVID-
         countries requires key factors such as   The continent’s            related treatments. As a result, many
         adequate health financing and medicines                             pharmaceutical companies are trying to
         procurement, resources and functional    growing demand for         bring their product closer to the patient
         healthcare systems with well-trained staff   reliable and efficient   (to reduce logistics costs and ensure
         and sufficient infrastructure, supportive   logistics solutions,    product availability),” said Robin Miles,
         regulation to facilitate trade and use                              Vice President of Global Sales Vertical -
         of generic medicines, an environment     particularly for critical   Healthcare, Kuehne+Nagel, in an interview
         conducive to research and development    pharmaceuticals,           with Logistics Update Africa.
         and investment (including intellectual   presents an
         property rights), and local manufacturing                           CAN AFRICA BE THE NEXT
         of healthcare products to create shorter   opportunity for Etihad   BIG PHARMA HUB?
         and more resilient supply chains.        Cargo to play a crucial    UNIDO emphasises the need for a
           Africa's trade agreements with                                    comprehensive approach to support
         Europe and North America are aiding      role in enhancing          Africa's self-sufficiency, including human
                                                  healthcare outcomes        resource development, regulatory systems
                                                  across multiple            strengthening, access to affordable capital,
                                                  countries.                 business linkages, technology access, and
                                                                             sustainable production methods. Despite
                                                              GRANT KEMP     the opportunities presented by the African
                                                                ETIHAD CARGO
                                                                             Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA),
                                                                             challenges in the pharmaceutical industry
                                               its move towards pharmaceutical   persist, such as inadequate distribution
                                               self-sufficiency, but the COVID-19   and markets, limited competitiveness, lack
                                               pandemic revealed vulnerabilities   of standardised regulations, transportation
                                               in the continent's pharmaceutical   and logistics issues, and counterfeit
                                               supply chains. Strengthening   product dumping.
                                               infrastructure and logistics is   UNIDO supports African countries
                                               crucial for Africa's pharmaceutical   by deploying a three-level approach to
                                               manufacturing capabilities.   health industry development, focusing on
                                               UNIDO emphasises the need to   coordination, regulation, and production.
                                               boost local production for equitable   The organisation supports establishing
                                               access to essential health products.   and adapting industrial parks and clusters,
                                               The pandemic has significantly   attracting investment opportunities and
                                               impacted healthcare awareness,   technology transfer. Ethiopia's Industrial
                                               spending, and pharmaceutical   Parks Development Programme is a good
                                               logistics, leading to efforts to bring   example, aiming to attract foreign direct
                                               pharmaceutical products closer to   investment and promote job creation in
                                               the patient to reduce logistics costs   manufacturing industries, including the
                                               and ensure availability.      pharmaceutical sector.
                                                                                UNIDO also contributes to
                                                                             harmonising standards, strengthening
                                                                             laboratories' capacities, and enhancing the

          SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2024                                                                         LUA 5
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