Page 8 - LUA September - October 2024
P. 8


                                                                             the opportunity for collaboration in
         capacity                                                            logistics and capacity-building to further
         of National                                     A spokesperson      strengthen trade relations and expand
         Regulatory                        from Sun Pharma, one of the Indian   Africa's export portfolio.
         Agencies by supporting the        companies with a significant market
         implementation of Good Manufacturing   share in Africa's pharmaceutical sector,   AFRICA'S MAJOR
         Practices (GMP). Overall, UNIDO aims   mentioned that although the company   ROADBLOCKS
         to develop Africa's local pharmaceutical   has several manufacturing sites in   "Given Africa's sheer geographical spread
         production, improve access to health   African countries such as South Africa,   and diversity, the first fundamental
         products, and reduce the continent's   Egypt, and Morocco, a large portion of   challenge is dealing with the differing
         reliance on imports.              pharmaceuticals are still imported from   approaches to customs, regulations, various
           However, the continent still faces   India. He also stated that the quality   levels of transport infrastructure and
         challenges in becoming a major    of talent available on the continent,   customs procedures, which would affect any
         pharmaceutical manufacturing and   the ability to implement GMP, and the   shipment moving cross-border," said Miles.
         exporting hub, including limited access   proper training of people are the factors   Be it a pharmaceutical company, a
         to affordable finance, skills shortages,   hindering the establishment of large   logistics solutions provider, or an airline,
         unfavourable procurement practices,   manufacturing sites in Africa.  each player in Africa's pharmaceutical
         narrow product offerings, outdated   India is significantly contributing to   logistics sector complains about the
         manufacturing technology, constrained   the growth of Africa's pharmaceutical   continent's poor infrastructure. In a recent
         health budgets, and a preference for   sector, having exported $3.8 billion   interview with Logistics Update Africa,
         imported products. Additionally, the   worth of pharmaceuticals to Africa   Grant Kemp, Regional General Manager
         UNIDO spokesperson mentioned that   in 2023. During the recent CII India   Africa, ME and CIS (GCC, UAE, Africa,
         reliance on donor-funded procurement   Africa Business Conclave, Sunil   Levant and CIS) at Etihad Cargo, said that
         programs and compliance with      Barthwal, Commerce Secretary of the   Africa's pharma logistics face operational
         international standards further constrain   Ministry of Commerce and Industry in   and infrastructural challenges, such as
         local production.                 the Government of India, highlighted   securing permits and fluctuating demand.

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