Page 8 - LUA July - August 2023 Magterz and Online
P. 8




        IN AFRICA

         Opportunities for the ground-handling sector abound
         throughout Africa, however economic and political
         instability in some African nations may have an impact on
         the sector's growth potential, reports Zinal Dedhia.

                ccording to  "The Air Transport
                Industry and Aviation Ground-
                Handling Services in South
         AAfrica 2022" report, the cargo air
         transport industry has been brought to the
         brink of collapse during the two years of the
         pandemic. Its recovery, although underway,
         has been hampered by high fares due to the
         collapse of airlines which has reduced the
         industry’s capacity, and soaring fuel prices.  Consistent
           Yvonne Makolo, CEO of RwandAir and
         first female Chair of the IATA Board of   investment in
         Governors (2023-2024) in an International   infrastructure,
         Air Transport Association (IATA) report   equipment and
         said, “Africa stands out as the region with
         the greatest potential and opportunity    technologies is              “Ideas on my mind to address
         for aviation. The ‘Focus Africa’ initiative   essential to remain   standardising ground handling include
         renews IATA’s commitment to supporting    competitive and           having a policy framework that supports
         aviation on the continent. As the incoming                          competitive GHAs and not monopolistic
         chair of the IATA Board of Governors and   resilient in today’s     tendencies. I would recommend self-
         the first from Africa since 1993, I look   rapidly changing         regulation of GHAs and regulation only if
         forward to ensuring that this initiative gets   environment.        self-regulation doesn’t work out. A policy
         off to a great start and delivers benefits that                     framework will guide GHA requirements
         are measurable.”                                 TOM ALWYN-JONES    and conformance to best practices.
           Focus Africa is a collaborative                    DNATA ZANZIBAR  Another way to address these challenges
         endeavour that brings together resources                            is for GHAs to consider equipment
         from throughout the aviation value chain                            pooling. Some ground support equipment
         to address significant obstacles impeding   Conference held in May in Abu Dhabi,   (GSE) is very expensive to purchase and
         Africa's aviation growth. Focus Africa   UAE,  Monika Mejstrikova, Director of   maintain; by pooling, GHAs will reduce
         aims to create a safer, more secure, and   Ground Operations, IATA spoke about   investment costs and deliver quality
         better-connected continent, powered   the importance of ground handling   service,” said John Nalianya, Head-
         by a diversified, talented workforce, in   priorities, global standardisation of   Passenger Services, Kenya Airways.
         order to unleash aviation's potential and   process and digitalisation, automation    “In some states, the government runs
         unlock the commercial and economic   and more at the event.         GHAs as monopolies without making
         possibilities that will enable the sector to   “Standardisation boosts efficiency   any investments; such governments need
         flourish across the continent.    and more importantly, boosts safety.   to properly equip GHAs with equipment
                                           Global standards are the key, and IATA's   and adequately train their manpower
         GROUND HANDLING                   Ground Operations Manual (IGOM) is   to meet international standards. Lastly,
         AT AFRICAN AIRPORTS               the comprehensive industry manual that   IATA has created a mechanism for
         At the IATA Ground Handling       defines these standards," said Mejstrikova.  standardising GHA operations through

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